1900년에 지어진 기존 아파트 및 상업용 건물을 '대화'를 통해 새로운 건물과 조화를 이루게 만드는 것이 이번 프로젝트의 핵심이었다. 새로운 건물과 3개의 부속 주택은 동시대의 방식으로 해석되었다.
건물은 단열 콘크리트라는 재료 하나로 전면을 표현하였고, 가공되지 않은 목재 창문과 블라인드가 고상한 품격의 모습으로 보완을 이루었다. 상층부는 상업적인 용도로 사용되었으며, 최상층에는 2개의 아파트가 존재한다.


The existing apartment and commercial building dating from 1900 was part of a protected building ensemble situated in the city center. The task was to converse this building. During an extensive analysis of said building’s structure, planners determined that the historical structure was in a poor state. The committee for urban design and the committee of preservation of historical buildings in the county agreed that a new building is the appropriate solution. The design was based on the idea that the new building should continue to be part of the existing ensemble, which was a set of three attached houses. The characteristics of the ensemble is the horizontal arrangement, the sectioning into three parts; base, middle and roof section and the mural openings in the façade with standing window formats. The typologies were included and interpreted in a contemporary fashion. The structuring of the building happens through outward shifted offsets. 

The façade made of insulation concrete, a material of one substance only, offers a constructive analogy toward the existing buildings. Untreated timber windows and slender pull out blinds complement this reserved, high quality and noble appearance. The lower ground which receives light via skylights, and the ground floor will be used for gastronomy. The upper floors can easily be sectioned and will therefore be used for commercial purposes. The top floors contain two apartments.

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Designed by JB FACTORY