*호주 퍼스의 은퇴한 부부를 위한 주택-[ EHDO ] The Silver Street House

호주 퍼스의 은퇴한 부부를 위한 현대적 주택이 완공되었다. 흰색 벽돌 벽이 있는 작은 거실에는 접이식 창문을 놓아 정원의 전망을 제공하고, 대형 유리문을 열면 집의 안과 밖의 생활 환경이 하나로 펼쳐진다.


Architecture firm EHDO, have designed a modern home in Perth, Australia, for a semi-retired couple and occasionally their adult children.

Inside the home, materials such as wood, concrete, and opaque walls and doors, have been used throughout.

Built-in furniture, like the bookshelf below, have been designed to perfectly fit the available space.

In a small living room that features a white brick wall, folding windows can be opened to provide a view of the garden.

On the other side of the concrete wall in the living room is a sitting area and dining table that opens up to the patio area.

Large glass doors fold open to create an indoor / outdoor living environment for the home.

from contemporist


Designed by JB FACTORY