*프랑스 론 강(Rhone)변 도시개발 프로젝트-[ HERZOG & DE MEURON ] ÎLOT A3, TOUR DE LOGEMENTS

H & deM은 2009년과 2011년 사이 Rhone 강변(ZAC II)에서 Confluence 마스터 플랜을 설계했으며 그 이후로 도시 개발을 감독하고 있다. 이 프로젝트는 용도와 유형을 혼합한 약 100개의 건물로 이루어진 14개의 그룹을 제안하는데, 이번 A3는 새로운 Confluence 지역인 Quartier du Marché에서 처음으로 개발 된 것이다. 결과적으로 이 구역에는 주택, 사무실 및 소매점이 있는 8 개 건물의 개방형 블록으로 구성되었다. 블록 중앙에는 탁아시설이 있는 안뜰이 있으며 마스터 플랜에 16층 높이의 타워를 도입함으로써 상대적으로 높은 밀도를 유지할 수 있었다.


Îlot A3: pilot project for the urban vision of Lyon Confluence 2. Nine buildings by six architects have been planned and built in close cooperation with the city, the developer, and the contractor.

H&deM designed the master plan of Confluence for the Rhone river side (ZAC II) between 2009 and 2011 and has being supervising the urban development since then. The project proposes 14 “îlots” of approximately 100 buildings mixing uses and typologies. Îlot A3 is the first “îlot” in the new Confluence district “Quartier du Marché” to be developed as a pioneer for the entire area. H&deM acted as “Architecte en Chef d’Îlot” for the translation of urban guidelines into architecture.

Ilot A3 consists on an open bloc of 8 buildings with housing, offices and retail designed by 6 offices including AFAA, Tatiana Bilbao, Manuel Herz, Christian Kerez, H&deM and Michel Desvigne as landscape architect. In the center of the bloc there is a courtyard with a day care. The introduction of 16 floor high towers in the master plan offers simultaneously the possibility to keep a relative high density as well as having small-scale buildings of 3 stories. Thus, it provides a variation of urban scales within the same bloc.

The residential tower on Îlot A3 is designed by Herzog & de Meuron. The volume is a simple extrusion defined by rounded loggias in the corners. The curved mineral facade has single and repetitive square openings. Its appearance relates to the very structured and homogenous facades of the buildings in the old town of Lyon. As opposed to the curves of the concrete, windows and sunshades are combined in a polygonal metallic frame specifically developed for the project. Their position follows the rectilinear grid of the floorplan. The geometry of the metallic window frames offers the possibility to use the shading system when the tilting window is open.

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Designed by JB FACTORY