*자연과 융화된 건축 스튜디오 - [portico palmeto as an architectural studio]

'포르 티코 팔메 토 (Portico Palmeto)'라는 프로젝트를 개발하면서 건축가는 자연과의 긴밀한 관계를 조성하고 동시에 기능적이고 다목적이며 영감을주는 건물로 기능하도록 설계하려고 했다. 결과적으로 이 프로그램은 '정원/보행로'로 구성되어 있고 그 구조는 주로 건축 스튜디오로 사용되지만, 기존의 사무실 환경보다는 친근하면서도 편안한 분위기를 자아낸다.


in the mexican city of merida, TACO taller de arquitectura has completed a multifunctional building set amid a grove of palm trees. in developing the project, which is titled ‘portico palmeto’, the architects sought to design a setting that fostered a close relationship with nature, while simultaneously serving as a functional, versatile, and inspiring building. the structure primarily acts as an architectural studio, but, rather than a conventional office environment, a more welcoming and domestic atmosphere has been established.

the program comprises a permeable esplanade and a ‘garden/pedestrian path’. meanwhile, a programmed portico with terraces and relaxation areas delineates access to the site’s public and private areas: a living/meeting room, a kitchenette, a full bathroom, a storage room, a work area, a central patio, and an open roof terrace with two half bathrooms. 

TACO taller de arquitectura developed the building’s form in accordance with the surrounding trees, sunlight, and cross ventilation. importantly, the portico has a series of deployable bamboo panels that work to control insulation, privacy, and security. in terms of materiality, the building’s finishes aim to reduce the need for future maintenance. using construction methods common to the region, the roof was cast on site with waterproof concrete and is thermally insulated with polystyrene panels.

the floors are made of white concrete, while the walls and ceilings comprise burnished stucco pigmented with the earth tone of the site. hardwood carpentry is resistant to termites, while the windows were made with natural aluminum and tempered glass. adjacent aquatic gardens function as mosquito controllers and fauna attractants were also implemented.

from designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY