*멕시코 40년 이상의 노후주택 리노베이션-[ DOSA STUDIO ] CASA PALMAS

팔마스 하우스는 멕시코 주 Texcoco에 위치하고 있으며 도로 옆의 소음과 교통 체증으로 인한 혼잡함이 함께 하는 곳이다. 2017년 초에 스튜디오는 매우 낮은 예산과 복잡한 지역 조건을 기반으로 설계되었다. 고객은 우리 스튜디오에 친척을 위한 집을 설계하도록 요청한 젊은 여성이었는데, 온 가족이 40년 이상 그 집에서 살았다고 전했다. 현재 라틴 아메리카에서는 건물 종류가 계획 규정을 따르지 않아 기존 건축물이 공간, 조명, 환기 및 사생활에 적합한 조건을 갖추지 못한 상태이다. 이러한 난조건 상황에서 팔마스 하우스는 빛, 도시 컨텍스트, 중요성 및 공간 모듈과 같은 다양한 레이어를 탐구한 결과로 탄생하였다. 자연광에 대한 탐사는 간단하고 정직한 해결책에 달려 있었고, 내향 형 공간 접근법은 시각적으로 바깥쪽으로 닫히고 상황의 대부분의 불규칙한 조건을 해결하는 방향으로 진행되었다. 특히 각각의 안뜰은 그들 자신의 정체성과 기능을 가지고 있다. 특히 첫 번째 안뜰은 좁은 돌 정원을 할당하여 거리에서 정문을 연결하며, 또한 그것은 문맥으로부터 시각적으로 그리고 음향적으로 실내를 격리시킨다.   

Palmas House is located in Texcoco, Estado de Mexico, close to the Historic Centre polygon and next to the main avenue that connects the entire territory. The external conditions and challenges of the site are the acoustics and the congestion of traffic jams. In relation to the temperature conditions, the area has a constant warm climate during the daytime and low temperatures during night.

In early 2017, the studio was appointed to design a house based on a very low budget and complicated site conditions. The client was a young woman who approached our studio and requested to design a house for her relatives. The entire family lived in that house for more than 40 years. Currently, in Latin America those kinds of buildings do not follow any planning regulation, therefore the existing construction did not have the right conditions of space, lighting, ventilation and privacy.

The limitation on the economic resources made the project a very complex exercise. The team never compromised the economic conditions and the primary objective to improve the quality of life of Mrs Elsa and her family. The main strategy was based on the collaboration amongst Dosa Studio and three other companies, interested and committed to the purpose of the project: Novaceramic, Mezcla Brava and Probarro. These companies provided the construction materials in coordination with Dosa studio construction project.

The first step was the recognition of materials, and the red brick met the necessary characteristics for the construction of this project due its materiality and sustainable characteristics. The project was based on brick dimensions in order to modulate the house, and use the exact quantity provided by our sponsors. The strategy of the selection of the material was complemented by the exploration of natural light to emphasize and provide thermal comfort to each of the areas based on the site analysis.

Palmas House explores different layers such as light, urban context, materiality and spatial modules. The exploration of the natural light relies on a simple and an honest solution. The materiality contributes to the urban image of the Texcoco urban centre. The introverted spatial approach closes visually to the outside and resolves most of the irregular conditions of the context.

The position of the main building the solution was based on the existing guidelines in order to contain the architectural program and provide two courtyards that separate it from its neighbours. Each of the courtyards has their own identity and function. The first one allocates a narrow stone garden that connects the main entrance from the street. In addition, it isolates the interior visually and acoustically from the context. Finally, it reflects the harmonious relationship amongst the contrasting colours, textures, lights and shadows, provided by the big openings on the envelope of the house.

from divisare


Designed by JB FACTORY