*자연을 투영하는 거울 별장 [ Tatiana Bilbao ] Reflective holiday home in Mexico

Mexican architect Tatiana Bilbao has used mirrored glass, along with rammed earthand clay bricks, to create a vacation home that blends with its wooded site in Monterrey.

Los Terrenos, or The Terrains, is located on a forested hillside in the northern Mexican city. The residence is near another project by Bilbao, the Ventura House, which consists of an assemblage of concrete volumes that emerge from a steep slope.

The new dwelling comprises two completed buildings organised around a curvilinear pool and nestled within a landscape of native flora, terracotta paving and stone walls. A third volume is planned for the site, which will overlook the tree canopy.

Main architect: Tatiana Bilbao

Partners: Catia Bilbao

Office manager: Juan Pablo Benlliure

Design team: Paola Toriz, Sofía Betancur, Roberto Rosales, Enrique Silva, José Amozurrutia

Interiors: Emma Archer

"The house program is fragmented according to each component's function and role within the site, but they are all enclosed in a perfect square in the general plan," said Bilbao, whose studio is based in Mexico City.

The larger of the two volumes is rectangular in plan and is topped with an asymmetrical peaked roof. Facades are clad in mirrored glass, enabling the dwelling to blend with the verdant terrain.

"The mirrored glass envelope simultaneously reflects and contains the lush surrounding," the team said.

from dezeen


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