*유리파티션 Design Detail – Glass Enclosed Bedrooms And Bathrooms

침실과 거실의 경계를 나누기도, 욕실과 경계를 나누기도 용이하다. 빈티지한 느낌이 좋다.

When architect Manuel Ocaña was designing three apartments in the same building in Madrid, Spain, he decided to use glass walls as a way to separate the various spaces within the apartments.

By using framed glass walls, the light from the windows at one end of the apartment is able to travel throughout the space, creating a bright and welcoming space. However, the glass walls also separate the bedroom from the main living area, without making the apartment feel small.

Not only are the bedrooms partitioned off with glass walls, but the bathrooms are too. Curved glass doors, which are also used for the bedrooms, allow the doors to seamlessly fit in with the contemporary design.

from contemporist


Designed by JB FACTORY