*적은 예산으로 완성된 스페인 재건축 프로젝트-[ Carles Oliver ] St. Miquel 19 Refurbishment

1만 8천유로 예산으로 시작된 스페인의 재건축 프로젝트는 도시건설을 통해 3년간 집세를 내고 그중 일부는 자가 건설로 집을 짓는 내용을 포함하고 있다. 예산 중 1만 2천 유로는 에너지 효율 향상에 사용되었고, 실내 재건축을 위해 6천 유로가 사용되었다.
이 금액으로 거주면적 100평방 미터를 재건축 할 수 있게 하기 위해 새로운 소재를 추가하지 않고 공간을 다시 살릴 수 있는 방법을 택하였다.

Refurbishment project built with € 18,000 budget that aims to bring empty homes back into use for people in housing need, which is a huge problem right now at tourist areas like Mallorca island. 

€ 12,000 have been used for energy efficieny improvement (roof insulation and biomass stove) and € 6,000 for indoor rehabilitation. 

The project has been made with an urban sharecropping contract, paying rent for 3 years through the work, part of which has been done by self-construction. 

Architects: Carles Oliver 

Location: Palma, Spain 

Area: 105.0 m2 

Project Year: 2016 

Photographs: José Hevia 

Manufacturers: Huguet

In order to be able to refurbish a 100 square meters dwelling with this amount, we worked along these lines:

1. NOT TO DO, as the best way to do. 

2. DOMESTIC ARCHEOLOGY, to learn how economy of means has built our cities for centuries. 

3. BACK TO ARCH, as a way to open spaces without adding any kind of new material. To open a door is not the same than to build a door.

from archdaily


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