* 오사카 채광이 부족했던 주택의 리노베이션-[ shogo aratani ] small house in matsuyacho

shogo aratani architects는 일본의 조밀하게 포장 된 주거 지역인 오사카에 정원이 가득한 'matsuyacho의 집'을 완성했다. 이 디자인은 거주자를 위한 사려 깊은 주택을 만들기 위해 노력한 결과이다. 이웃 주택에 둘러싸여있는 고객의 기존 주택은 선재 구조에서 자연 채광 부족과 습기로 여러가지 어려움을 겪었다. 건축가들은 산들 바람과 자연 채광이 실내로 들어올 수 있도록 새 집을위한 '조각된' 정원 개념을 개발하기로 결정했다. 작은 정원을 통해 빛과 환기 문제를 해결할 뿐만 아니라 분위기를 자아내기도 한다.


shogo aratani architects has completed a garden-filled ‘house in matsuyacho’ in a densely packed residential neighborhood of osaka, japan. the design seeks to create a thoughtful and site-specific home for the resident.

boxed in by neighboring houses, the client struggled with a lack of natural light and problematic dampness in the pre-existing structure. the architects chose to develop a concept of ‘carved’ gardens for the new home, which would allow breeze and natural light to enter the interior.

location:neyagawa-shi, osaka


architect:shogo aratani architect & associates

consultant:S3 associates inc.

general contractor:IFA inc.

structural system:timber flame

site area:119.7 square meters

building area:71.6 square meters

total floor area:120.3 square meters

small gardens are carved into the volume on three different sides of the home, maintaining the densely packed atmosphere while solving issues of light and ventilation. the breezes that pass down the gaps between the houses enter these concave gardens, flowing into the interior along with natural light. a similar hollow was carved on the street façade, dividing the home’s entrance into into two sections.

the four indentations divide the interior into functional zones, connected by a centrally located main room. the spacious double-height ceiling allows soft light to enter the space from four directions, creating an open and light-filled space.

from designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY