* 스페인 펜트하우스 리노베이션-[ Susanna Cots ] Large Apartment In Barcelona

스페인에 위치한 펜트하우스 외부에는 화분에 심은 식물을 통해 이웃으로부터 프라이버시를 제공한다. 내부는 흰색벽으로 인테리어를 마감하고 가구와 벽난로, 도어 프레임과 같은 어두운 요소들과 대조를 이루게 하였다. 거실 옆 부엌에는 공간을 여행하는 빛의 선을 통해 재미있는 시각적 효과를 얻을 수 있다.

Susanna Cots Interior Design have completed the interiors of a penthouse for a family in Barcelona, Spain, that features plenty of black-framed glass throughout.

Outside, there’s entertaining space and a water feature. Potted plants provide privacy from the neighbors next door.

Inside, the interiors of the home are bright with white walls that contrast the darker elements, like the furniture, fireplace and door frames. A wall of built-in shelving provides a place to display books and decorative pieces.

A built-in wood window seat sits between the shelving unit and the firewood storage, while the large window provides plenty of natural light and views of the outdoor space.

Next to the living room is the kitchen. A line of light travels through the spaces and creates an interesting visual effect. Grey cabinets have been paired with black and wood countertops for a contemporary appearance.

from contemporist


Designed by JB FACTORY