Querétaro 주거지역에 작은 주택을 만드는 두 채의 트윈 하우스 건설 프로젝트 중 그 첫 단계를 소개한다. 7미터 높이의 담벽 사이에 형성되어 있는 고립된 부지에 위치한 프로젝트인 만큼 외부와 내부 공간에 더 나은 삶의 방식을 제공하는 아이디어를 생각해냈다. 사용자의 요구에 맞게 다재다능한 디자인으로 설계하고 합리적으로 건설에 조정을 통해 유연하면서도 제어가 존재하는 옵션을 제공한다.

Casa Zirahuen is the first stage of a two twin house project that create a small dwelling in a residential area in Querétaro’s periphery.

Facing the residential monotony in typology and isolation of the area generated between the 7 meters high adjoining walls, the proposal’s idea based on shaping a different integration to the site, one that dignifies and offers better ways of living in its outside and inside space.

Some of the principal challenges to solve were to create a product that makes use of passive design strategies, local constructive methods and a commercial competitive scheme which is sensitive to a complex real estate context.

The house works around a main guiding axis that splits and distributes the public program in ground floor and the private program in first level. The use of a central patio works as a natural lantern that articulates and ventilates, a witness to the house’s everyday life.

The design of the project is thought to be versatile enough in order to adapt to user’s needs. The study of areas and proportion of living spaces, added to the rational constructive modulation gives the home the option of a flexible and controlled growth (spanned in stages to equip the house with 2 to 4 bedrooms, optional TV/family room and additional outside spaces).

The exposed materials reveal its constructive honesty, the polished concrete and bare brick reflect the quality of artistry and craftsmanship the region has to offer. Its textures and tones respond to a natural palette found in the local area, Querétaro’s semi-desert context.

from divisare


Designed by JB FACTORY