*석조벽과 구리의 대비가 빛나는 주택-[ McGarry-Moon Architects ] Loughloughan Barn

기존 석재 헛간의 특성을 과도하게 배제하지 않고 주택으로 개조한 이번 프로젝트는 집으로 사람을 끌어들이면서도 과거의 복제물을 재탄생시키는 데 성공한 독창적인 특성을 지녔다.
원래의 석조 구조물 자체가 가진 훌륭한 경관과 편안한 실내장식을 보존하면서도, 오래된 건축기술과 새로운 기술을 융합시켜 설계된 영국의 주택은 구리의 대조된 부드러운 질감과 더불어 억제된 외관을 통해 기존 석조벽의 따뜻함과 상호작용을 하고 있다.

This unassuming residence is a responsive configuration of skilfully contained views from the interior the manipulation of natural light combined with fluid, informal spaces allowing us to create architecture that has some dramatic moments but does not overly dominate the character of the existing stone barn. The house is surprising which engages people and allows the dwelling a unique character without having to resort to reproducing a replica of the past.


Architects: McGarry-Moon Architects

Location: Broughshane, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom

Design Team: Jessica McGarry, Steven Moon & Adam Currie

Contractor: Alan Moon Joinery and Building Contractor

Area: 110.0 sqm

Project Year: 2013

Photographs: Adam Currie

The original stone structure, the splendid views of ‘Slemish’ and the desire for comfortable understated interiors were the principles that focused us as architects. The preservation and consolidation of the stone structure was fundamental in achieving an architecture where the old and new complemented each other. Thus the residence was designed by fusing new technologies with older building techniques whilst incorporating sustainability ideals in order to create a rural architecture for the 21st century, rather than simply remodelling or recreating the methods and manners of the past.

Approached from the north west this 110m2 dwelling has a restrained appearance, with smooth texture of copper contrasts and interacts with the warmth of the existing stone walls. The dwelling retains the integrity of the existing barn whilst hinting to the dynamic design within. The new building uses the foundations and outer walls of the old barn, but new metal framework is inserted in the interior to create the upper ground floor. All original openings are used without alteration in the lower ground floor. The living space cantilevers out of existing stone barn and has an altogether different all be it rural architectural language.


from archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY