*스튜디오와 주택을 구분한 리노베이션-[ Gluck+ ] Glass corridors connect hemlock-clad cubes

맨하탄 건축 스튜디오 Gluck+는 일에 집중할 수 있는 공간을 구성하면서도, 또한 고립된 주택을 원하는 사진 작가인 건축주를 위하여  뉴욕 북부의 한 농가를 개조하여 주택과 스튜디오를 설계하는데, 이 과정에서 두 공간을 분리시키는 데 성공했다. 두 공간의 볼륨은 서로 비슷하나 단순한 모양으로 건축학적 랜드스케이프 내에 강렬한 실루엣을 제공하며, 대조적으로 내부는 미드톤의 목재와 백색의 벽과 천정으로 특성화했다.


Taking cues from farmland in Upstate New York, Manhattan architecture studio Gluck+ organised simple volumes of this home in a grid-like array, orienting the residence and detached studio towards a nearby pond.

Gluck+ designed the Artist Retreat for a photographer who wanted an isolated home to focus on work.

The residence is made up of a framework of eight concrete "solid and almost barn-like cubes", which refer to farm buildings in the area.

"The simple shapes are strong silhouettes in an agricultural landscape, organised in a shifting grid akin to farming plots in the area," the architects said.

"The slatted weathered hemlock cladding is a nod to the utilitarian barn structures that dot the local landscape."

By contrast, the interior features mid-toned wood floors, as well as white-washed walls and ceilings. Clerestory windows brighten the space and highlight its minimal geometry.

Each volume serves a separate function - units with similar programmes cluster together.

"Designed as a working retreat for an experimental photographer, the single room structures are divided by function — live, work, sleep," said Gluck+, which has also designed a tower-like holiday home in Upstate New York.

The living areas wrap around a central courtyard. A dining space and living room connect to the master suite at the southwest corner, which is followed by two cubes occupied by guest rooms along the terraces north edge.

The architects connected the scattered components using glass-walled hallways. The glazing slides open to transform the corridors into "open airbridges".

The open passages admit cross breezes in summer that help cool the house. In winter, the guest bedrooms can closed off from the rest of the home to keep heating costs down.

At the northeast corner of the property, two detached volumes provide space for the client to work and develop photos.

from dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY