*벽돌로 표현한 런던 단독주택-[ Carmody Groarke ] Highgate House_Trio of brick volumes form

런던의 단독주택은, 문맥과 외형 그리고 내부공간의 구성간에 강력한 관계를 형성하고 있다. 벽돌의 조각적 사용을 통해 물리적 일관성 및 존개감을 제공하고 있으며, 내외부 모든 면을 덮은 벽돌은 또한 이웃의 건축과도 조화를 이룬다.

This new detached family house creates a strong relationship between its context, its external form and the composition of its internal spaces. 

The architecture is given physical consistency and presence throughout by the sculptural use of brick as the predominant material. This provides coherence with the surrounding detached houses of the North London suburb, and although manifestly abstract in its use (covering all surfaces inside and out), the brick retains association of traditional craft embedded in the eclectic architecture of the neighbourhood. 

A clear language of public and private realms is defined spatially and by the elevations of the house. The treatment of thresholds between interior and exterior space varies greatly in scale and proportion according to each room’s physical and visual connection to the street, the gardens and Highgate Wood beyond. 

The large central hall becomes the defining element in the formal and spatial composition. It defines the centre piece of the radiating arrangement of brick masses which relate in scale and grain to the neighbouring houses and suburban condition. Simultaneously, the hall reinforces a hierarchy of rooms within the house according to patterns of living: open plan living spaces at the ground floor and more conventional cellular rooms on the upper levels. 

Client: Private 

Location: London 

Status: Completed 2016 

Photography: Hélène Binet

Model photography: Richard Davies

from architectural-review


Designed by JB FACTORY