*슬로베니아 나무로 꾸민 집-[ dekleva gregorič celebrates ] chimney house

슬로베니아의 logatec 마을에 목재로 만들어진 주택이 완성되었다. 일명 '굴뚝집'이라는 이름의 이 건물은 스토브를 집 안에서 눈에 잘 띄는 위치에 둠으로써 집의 다른 공간을 분배한다. 어두운 목재 파사드로 지은 이 집은 이 웃에 있는 교회와 연관되어 둘 사이에는 호기심을 불러일으키는 대화를 형성하고 있다. 내부에 부엌은 다기능 목재 스토브를 중심으로 구성되어 있는데, 이는 잠을 자는 공간으로부터 생활 공간을 구분시킨다. 오일 페인트칠 된 오크가 내부 바닥과 벽을 가로질러 사용되었고, 지붕은 보드처럼 형태를 잡은 콘크리트로 구성되어 있어, 외부의 목재 텍스쳐와 구분이 분명하다.


in the slovenian town of logatec, dekleva gregorič architects has completed a timber-clad dwelling that celebrates the role of the wood stove. named ‘chimney house’, the property is articulated around the stove’s prominent position, which in turn distributes the home’s other spaces. externally, the building’s form and scale respond to the region’s vernacular architecture, as well as an adjacent 16th century church.

clad with a dark wooden façade, the house — designed by dekleva gregorič architects — relates closely to the neighboring barn structures. however, its distinctive form associates more with the nearby church, establishing a curious dialogue between the two buildings. the ridge of the roof has been pushed apart to create a continuous skylight that runs throughout the residence, providing natural illumination.

internally, the kitchen is organized around a multifunctional wood stove, which divides the living accommodation from the sleeping quarters. the building’s thick walls integrate multiple storage spaces as well as small inhabitable window niches that welcome light and views. oiled oak has been used across the interior’s floors and walls, while the roof is made from board formed concrete, recalling the timber texture of the external façade.


Designed by JB FACTORY