*일본 가나가와 현 교구재업체-[ HMAA ] Company Building in Kanagawa

일본 가나가와 현 내에 위치한 교구재 도매업체의 건물을 소개한다. 1층엔 재고 보관창고로, 2층엔 최대 16인의 비즈니스용 공간으로 구성하였고, 3층은 중역실과 회의실로 배치되었다. 건물 전체에 합법적으로 허용된 건축면적은 최대한 확보되어 있긴 하지만, 비즈니스 공간 상 필요한 편의성과 프라이버시, 오후의 채광을 해결하기 위해 천공 금속 스크린으로 설계된 스팟 가든을 구성했다.


Company building of a local teaching-materials wholesale company built in Kanagawa-pref Japan. 

The first floor was asked for the inventory storage warehouse, and the second floor was asked for them at a maximum of 16 persons' business space and the third floor was asked for an executive room and a conference room.

Though the building area allowed legally is secured to the utmost, in order to solve the amenity of a business space, and the problem of privacy and the afternoon sun, a spot garden articulated by perforated metal screen was prepared.

Architects: HMAA

Location: Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan

Area: 218.0 sqm

Project Year: 2014

Photographs: Nobuki Taoaka

from archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY