*농장의 360도 뷰포인트를 제공하는 치앙라이 티카페-[ IDIN Architects ] CHOUI FONG TEA CAFE

태국 치앙라이 차농장에 위치한 티카페 Choui Fong은 언덕 꼭대기에 위치한 대신 건축가는 농장의 뷰를 관망할 수 있으면서도 언덕에 건물들을 숨겨놓는 형태로 설계해보고자 했다. 이러한 아이디어를 통해 건물의 천정은 농장의 뷰포인트를 360도로 전망할 수 있게 되었고, 농장의 자연스러운 풍경을 더해 이곳을 방문한 방문자들은 농부들의 활동이나 찻잎이 무르익는 과정을 하루 종일 구경할 수 있게 되었다. 본관은 총 3개의 건물로 구성되어 있어 각기 다른 뷰포인트를 제공한다.


Choui Fong Tea Café is located in the area of Choui Fong tea plantation where is covering with a number of huge hills.

Instead of locating the tea café on the hilltop, the architect decided to lay the buildings hidden in the hill but outreach to take the view of plantation.

The idea is to keep the hill top view where the building rooftop would then be a 360-degree viewpoint of the plantation. Here at the rooftop, in addition to the natural atmosphere of the plantation, the visitors can do observe the farmers’ activity, tea leaves ‘hand pick’ harvesting during the day.

The main building is composed of three buildings; they are floated and outreached from different viewpoints. The functional areas included dining zone, café, teashop, and toilets. Scale and proportion of them are various and depended on those usage of each building.

The structure is challenged point, we can see they are floating when we look at them from the foot hill and only one pile appears to bear the entire building. The retaining wall at the back is set into a distance of the building to create an extra space for the green courtyard to provide shade and shadow in this area.

There is another separated building of toilets for visitors at the parking lot; this is to alleviate the visitor circulation during the high season. Same as with the main building, this toilet building is also hidden under the hill and also composed with stone and green courtyard for shady.


FIRM: IDIN Architects
Type: Commercial › Exhibition Center Retail
YEAR: 2016
SIZE: 1000 sqft - 3000 sqft
BUDGET: $500K - 1M

from architizer


Designed by JB FACTORY