*따뜻한 감성을 전달하는 벽면 그루터기 The wall of logs in this Beerhall is meant resemble a forest floor

호주 멜버른, 레스토랑 벽면을 가득채운 나무들의 그루터기는 숲의 바닥을 연상시킵니다. 나무가 전달하는 텍스쳐(질감)은 언제나 따뜻한 감성과 함께 편안함을 전달합니다.

This large feature wall inside the Munich Brauhaus in Melbourne, Australia, designed by Techne Architecture + Interior Design, is made from the cut ends of logs, and is meant to resemble a forest floor. The idea was to create a rustic woodland feeling, consistent with the rest of the Brauhaus.

from contemporist


Designed by JB FACTORY