*오래된 것으로 부터 낯설어지기 FCC arquitectura juxtaposes old and new with distinctive portuguese bar extension

장소에 반하는 요소의 삽입. 내부로 부터 분출된 공간은 주변과 사뭇 다른 환경을 완성합니다. 낯설기만한 (주변은 화산활동으로 인한 현무암으로 이루어짐) 주변에 인상적인 목재 구조물은 친밀하면서도 따뜻한, 그래서 더욱더 내부공간을 즐기고 싶은 유혹을 완성합니다. 여기에 바다를 바라보는 조망은 또다른 선물로 준비됩니다.

based by the western coast of the island of pico, in the portuguese azores, FFC arquitectura were charged with the transformation and expansion of the ‘cella bar’. the previous site was left in a degenerative state which resulted in most of the structural frame being restored. while preserving the distinct features of the existing building, the extension saw a contemporary addition being merged with the original building. this juxtaposition has introduced a different and sculptural architectural language into the local context. the organic and orthogonal form uses basalt (volcanic rock of the region), concrete and the exterior presents a woven timber texture. as well as sourcing local materials, the design of the scheme references the outline of the island, the rocks, whales and wine casks.

appearing to spill out from the dark stone building, the extension forms the new entrance, the bar and is topped with a roof-top deck. the interiors by paulo lobo, continues with the timber craftsmanship and is seen in the ceiling joints, wine cabinets, walls; instilling an intimate and warm atmosphere. upstairs, the bar continues and leads onto the roof deck where the seating continues with the added scenery of the atlantic ocean on one side, and distant views of the volcano on the other.

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY