*엑스포 에콰도르 파빌리온 [ Zorrozua & Associates ] Ecuador Pavilion Covered In Colorful Anodised Aluminium Curtains

에콰도르 전통을 투영한 거대한 캔버스, 엑스포 에콰도르 파빌리온 파사드 디자인은 뚜렷하게 지향점을 이야기한다. 방문객에게는 에콰도르 전통과 문화를 파빌리온에게는 고유한 캐릭터를 선사한다. 파빌리온 내부는 3층으로 구성, 다양한 지역문화 및 생활풍부한 자연을 소개한다.

에콰도르 전통의 투영

전통재현으로 부터 시작된 건축환경은 에콰도르의 사회, 문화를 투영한 파사드를 통해 전달된다. -전통 직물공예의 영감을 현대적 건축어휘로 재구성한다.- 입면 디자인을 구현하는 아노다이징 알루미늄 체인은 스틸구조물이 주는 장중함(약 9.5m 높이와  폭 25.4m(남측,북측)/ 폭15m(동측,서측) 볼륨으로 구성)을 재료의 경량감으로 해소한다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

When design consultants Zorrozua & Associates were tasked to create the Ecuador Pavilion for the 2015 Milan Universal Exposition, they decided to include giant anodised aluminium curtains by KriskaDECOR, that cover the exterior of the building.

The building has three storeys where visitors can take a route through the various natural regions of Ecuador.

The folkloric motifs that make up the facade’s composition are a representation of Ecuadorian culture, and are inspired by the traditional textile handcrafts of the Otavalo region.

The effects of the sun and night light have also been taken into account to achieve a much more powerful perception of the colours.

This project is divided into four sides, with an average height of 9 metres, reaching 10.5 metres at some points. The north face and the south face are 25.4 metres wide, while the east and the west are 15 metres each. By being made of an aluminium chain, the lightness of the material has allowed for the creation of this metallic structure with enormous proportions.

The installation of the curtains was done in just three days, with modifications made to fasten the curtains onto the proposed system, and also to increase resistance to inclement weather, creating a woven line that joined the different strips of chain, therefore getting similar responses to that of fabric.

from  contemporist


Designed by JB FACTORY