*슬로베니아, 체르크베냐크 유치원 프로젝트 [ superform ] Kindergarten Cerkvenjak

슬로베니아, 체르크베냐크에 위치한 유치원 프로젝트는 주변 자연환경 및 운동시설과의 밀접한 관계형성을 목표로 한다. 주변지역의 리드믹컬한 볼륨과 지붕형상을 투영한 건축환경은 주변 집들의 크기를 넘지 않는(주변과 동질화) 편안한 크기로 집과 같은 분위기를 연출, 어린이들에게 즐거운 안식처로 제공된다. 여기에 기존 교육환경으로 부터 보다 발전된 프로그램 및 기능의 삽입을 통해 건강한 교육공간 실현과 풍부한 체험의 장을 완성하게 된다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

The proposed kindergarten is in the village of Cerkvenjak, which is located in the center of the Slovenske Gorice region, Slovenia.

The proposed kindergarten is also inseparably connected with the natural surroundings of the trees and playground equipment. The concept of the kindergarten is similar to its local surroundings with the rhythmic string of volumes and roofs. Because of this concept, the kindergarten does not surpass the scale of an individual house and gives the user — a child — a sense of home.

Firm: superform
Type: Educational
YEAR: 2014
SIZE: 5000 sqft - 10,000 sqft
BUDGET: $1M - 5M
Photos: Superform, LukaKase

The proposed kindergarten design originated from an existing learning path, which runs nearby. The kindergarten is a new program and function that upgrades the existing learning path. The result of using the principle of a learning path is a unique division and rhythm of the playrooms. The kindergarten offers rich experience to children and is closer to the scale of the child.

from  architizer


Designed by JB FACTORY