*벨기에 엔트워프 파크 타워 [ Studio Farris Architects ] The Park Tower, Antwerp, Belgium

역사적인 도시 벨기에, 엔트워프시 북서부 구역 재개발 사업의 시작점을 알리는 파크 타워 프로젝트는  Eilandje 항구와 새로 생긴 MAS뮤지엄에 인접, 도시 이정표 역활을 수행한다. 이는 엔트워프에서 가장 높은 78미터 높이와 강렬한 순백색의 외부형태 그리고 독창적인 글래스 파사드 판넬이 생성하는 어반 패턴으로 정의된다. -글래스 파사드 판넬은 발코니와 외부를 경계하는 막으로 직사광선 유입 방지 및 바람길 유도를 위한 가이드 역활, 야간시 타워를 더욱더 다이나믹하게 연출하는 디자인 요소로 사용된다.-

주거 유닛은 총 360개실로 구성, 800명 가량 거주가 가능하다. 10층을 경계로 상부와 하부로 구분된다. 1층부터 10층까지는 싱글족 또는 갓 결혼한 신혼부부, 커플들을 위한 160개의 싱글 스튜디오 (우리나라로 하면 원룸)와 80개의 스튜던트 룸으로 구성된다. 10층부터 그위로는 원 베드룸 또는 투 베드룸을 가진 가족형 주거 115개로 구성된다. 지하 주차장은 총 280대 자동차 주차공간과 800대 자전거 주차를 제공한다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

The Park Tower is situated in a unique location within walking distance from the new MAS museum, the harbor district ‘Eilandje’, the waterfront beside the river Scheldt and the historic city center.

The project is integrated into the strategic development project that is aimed to transform the northern quarters of the city and will play a connecting role between parts of the city that have been remodeled earlier.

Program: residential tower
Architects: Studio Farris Architects
Executive architects: ELD partnership
Structural engineering: ELD engineering
Technical engineering: ELD engineering
Developer: Sea Coast nv
Contractor: Besix nv
Area (above grade): 20.000 sqm
Completion: 2014

With a total height of 78 meters, the Park Tower is now one of the highest buildings in Antwerp. The strikingly bright white exterior turns the tower into an attention-grabbing beacon that stands out as a landmark for the entire district.

The ingenious patchwork of glass facade panels that shelter the terraces from the wind add a playful, layered effect highlighted by a fascinating dynamic of light and shadow. The tower is a vertical reflection of a classic urban street: from the ground floor which has a commercial function the tower literally stacks up to host different habitation styles in the 20 higher stories.

The tower comprises 360 habitation units, totaling a capacity to house 800 city inhabitants. The first 10 floors are made up of 160 studios and 80 student rooms. This way the project offers an answer to the growing need for comfortable living space for single-person households, students, young couples and expats. On the next 10 floors we find 115 habitation units with 1 or 2 bedrooms and elderly care facilities.

From the main entrance of the ground floor, the different groups of inhabitants can reach their own floors using separate elevator batteries. Mobility-wise, the tower offers underground parking space for 280 cars and 800 bicycles.

Each studio or apartment has a private terrace. To be able to use these terraces in a comfortable way, a particular wind protection concept was conceived by the architects. The effectiveness of this concept was then calculated and approved at the Technical University of Eindhoven.

The glass panels are randomly placed, in order to reduce the wind discomfort to an absolute minimum, even at high altitude. This allowed to develop a playful facade that changes with the continuous play of light and shadow. The double facade also protects privacy and reduces vertigo.

from  domusweb


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