*콜럼비아 자유시민센터 플라자[ OPUS + Toroposada Arquitectos ] Plaza de La Libertad Civic Center

Plaza de La Libertad Civic Center 콜럼비아 제2의 도시, 메데진에 위치한 자유시민센터 플라자

콜럼비아 제2의 도시인 메데진(Medellin)에 위치한 자유시민센터플라자지리학적, 생물학적, 그리고 문학적 다양성을 투영한 이 건축으로써, 열대 지방이 지닌 정체성을 설립하기 위한 일종의 도박과 같은 시도라고 할 수 있는데 그 시작점은 환경적이면서도 기후적 조건들이다.

메데진의 건축들이 지닌 전통적 성분들을 통합하려는 이번 프로젝트는,  도시적 공간안으로 식물들을 적극적으로 통합하는 도시 모델로서의 초대라고 할 수 있다. 다시 말해 그 자체적 영역에 자연의 비옥함을 끌어들인하나의 사회를 표현한다.

만오천평방미터에 달하는 공간에서, 3가지 레벨로 도시기반의 다양한 공공시설이 위치하고 있는데 메데진 시의회나 안티오구아 정부산하 사무실들 등과 함께 다양한 문화센터나 오디토리움 등이 포함되어 있다.


reviewed by ZH,오사


It arises from our reflection on the region, its geographical, biological and cultural diversity, it is a gamble to build an architecture with a tropical identity, where the environmental and climatic conditions are a starting point.

It is a project that recognizes and incorporates traditional elements of the architecture of Medellín, such as courtyards, terraces, bridges and balconies carried in a contemporary manner to an office building typology. Also, it is an invitation to an urban model that actively incorporates vegetation in its urban spaces, and that represents a society that lives with the exuberance and fertility of its own territory.


Architects: OPUS, Toroposada Arquitectos
Location: Medellín, Antioquia,
Project Area: 61000.0 m2
Photographs: Sergio Gómez

Design Directors: Alejandro Toro Posada, Manuel Jaén Posada, Carlos Andrés Betancur, Carlos David Montoya
Coordinator: Carlos Enrique Montoya
Project Team: Isabel Dapena, Jorge Gómez, César Rodríguez, Andrés Bucella, Alejandro Naranjo, Natalia Alcocer, Sofía Mora
Competition Consultants: Abg. Juan Carlos Pérez, Dr. Ciencias Políticas Leonardo Ramírez, Ing. Admin. Sebastián Jaén, Ing. Forestal Ana María Monsalve, Dis. Graf. Mariana Quintero, Ing. Andrés Jiménez
Structural Design: Respuestas Estructurales
Electrical And Mechanical: HMV
Plumbing: Claudia Bustamante
Hvac: José Tovar
Bioclimatic Consultant: PVG Arquitectos
Lighting Consultant: PVG Arquitectos
Acoustics Consultant: PVG Arquitectos
Flooring Consultant: Germán Madrid
Logistics Consultant: Carlos Duque
Landscape Consultant: Jardín Botánico de Medellín
Construction Stage 1.1: Consorcio CONVEL/SAINC
Construction Stage 1.2 (Finishes): Coninsa / RamónH
Prior Auditing Consultant: UNAL Medellín
Antioquia Government : Instituto para el Desarrollo de Antoquia IDEA
Project Auditing Stage 1: Inter-A-Plus
Project Auditing Stage 1.2: Ingeniería Estructural

In its first phase, consisting of the improvement of 15,000 m2 of public space in an urban base of three levels, with a variety of enclosures and programs, there are also the institutional towers, which currently house decentralized offices of the Government of Antioquia and the Medellin City Council; and along with them, two complementary buildings, the first of which is the headquarters for Teleantioquia public channel with production areas, and the second, the auditorium of the Cultural Center, a venue for cultural activities that complements the institutional activities of the area.

The second future stage will incorporate the hotel volume, a horizontal piece which will conclude the proposed urban form.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY