*플로팅 어드민 센터 [ Álvaro Siza & Carlos Castanheira ] Building On the Water

저수지 위 미끄러지듯이 자리한 어드민센터는 광대한 산업단지의 효율적인 통합관리를 위해 건립된다. 산업단지의 건조한 환경과 대조적인 건축환경은 산업용수를 위한 거대한 저수지위에 드라마틱한 시퀀스를 형성, 건축의 유연함을 표현한다. 유연한 건축공간의 내부는 저층부에 오피스와 미팅룸 그리고 직원 레스토랑과 오디토리움이, 상층부에는 VIP고객과 임원들을 위한 라운지가 별도로 구성된다. 공간의 심미적인 아름다움을 넘어서 깊이감 있게 다가오는 저 곡선 너머, 공간은 막힘없이 흐른다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

China’s industry is one of the main motors that propels its meteoric growth. Contemporary production plants, however, are rarely associated with architecture, save for the relatively genteel business of European furniture-making. However, the first project by Álvaro Siza and Carlos Castanheira in China, an administration building for the vast Shihlien Chemical Plant in Huai’an, breaks this mould and marries the raw, sublime structures of industry with the elegance of architecture.

Located 400-km north-west of Shanghai, the plant processes locally-mined salt into ammonium chloride and soda ash – a crucial ingredient in glassmaking. Utmost care has been taken to ensure that the factory complies with international environmental standards and the invitation of the world-renowned Portugese architect – who received the Pritzker Architecture Prize in 1992 – shows the investors’ commitment toward social commitment and responsibility.

The graceful, meandering, white concrete structure appears to glide on the surface of the 100,000-sq-m reservoir, which serves to supply the manufacturing plant with water. The fluid form of the administrative building creates a stark contrast with the traditionally overpowering forms of industry beyond. The lower level of the building houses offices, meeting rooms, an employee restaurant and an auditorium, while the upper level contains VIP and executive spaces that overlook the complex. In addition, two footbridges create shortcuts across the building.

from  frameweb


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