*거대한 누에고치, 컬쳐허브로 자리하다 [ Silvio d’Ascia Architecture ] Bagnoli Futura

이번 프로젝트는 이탈리아 남부 메초조르노 지역 재개발사업의 일환으로 폐쇄된 공장부지에 지역문화를 통섭하는 컬쳐허브 구축에 의의가 있다. 장소에 대한 재구성은 지역문화 부흥을 위한 컬쳐센터로 지역주민과 관광객들을 위한 퍼블릭 오픈 스페이스로 제안된다. 이곳 산업단지의 관문 역활과 이 사업의 첫 단추 역활을 수행하는 오디토리움은 그 상징적인 의미를 건축 환경에 적나라하게 표현함으로써 장소에 대한 기억과 성격을 리셋 시킨다. 광활한 오픈 광장 위에 미래지향적인 배의 형상은 주야간 다른 시퀀스로 연출된다. -주위환경을 반사, 흡수하는 주간과 달리 야간시에는 어반 라이트 하우스로 극적인 공간감을 생성한다.- 내부 구성은 전시공간과 300석 규모의 오디토리움, 바, 리셉션 구역 등의 주요시설이 배치된 지상층과 창고, 하역장, 기계실과 같은 지원시설이 하부 배치로 구성된다. 오디토리움의 주된 인테리어는 프레젠테이션, 세레모니, 영화상영등 다양한 행사의 관중들의 가시선 확보를 위해 디자인되며 외형적으로 독특한 글래스 커튼월과 건축음향을 위한 소음 및 방진재 역활의 불투명 커튼월이 조화롭게 디자인 된다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

The project is located on the site of an abandoned steel factory, which had been created following World War II to help with the reconstruction of the Mezzogiorno region of Southern Italy. Following the plant’s closing, it was decided that the site should retain the concept of “reconstruction,” but this time on a local level. Thus, the idea for a cultural center for local residents and tourists came about.

Architects: Silvio d’Ascia Architecture
Location: , Italy
Design Team: , ATI Servizi Integrati, IDI
Area: 44,230 sqm
Year: 2011
Photographs: Barbara Jodice

Scope: Schematic design, design development, construction management
General Contractors: SLED SpA with Studio Graziani, Studio Lenzi, Ing. Majorano, Gi.Pi.Gi.
Metal Fabrication: CIMA Srl, Vestrut Engineering Srl
Ceramic Tile: Casalgranda Padana
Client: Società Bagnolifutura SpA
Development: 2007 – 2008
Construction: 2008 – 2011
Construction Cost: 44.2 million €

The complex is intended to be the entryway for the larger Bagnoli Futura initiative, which aims to regenerate the entirety of the former industrial zone. As a result, the majority of its functions hug the ground, creating a large open-air public space that is clad in stone. This datum allows the auditorium element to be the defining element of the project, its glass-clad structure rising from the foundation like a futuristic vessel. By day, the glazing system’s mirrored, greenish tint allows for the building to reflect its residential neighborhood back on itself, while at night the volume glows from within, becoming a lighthouse-like element on the somewhat scarred landscape.

Inside, the complex houses exhibition spaces, the central auditorium that seats 300, a bar, and reception areas. Support facilities such as storage space, delivery zones, and mechanical rooms are located under the plaza level. The interior of the auditorium affords spectators with a clear view of presentations, ceremonies, or screenings, thanks to the steel structural system’s integration with the glazing. The layered effect of the façade helps diffuse direct sunlight entering the interior. Also housed within this assembly are opaque acoustical curtains which unroll along the length of the façade’s interior, giving facility operators the ability to adjust the acoustics and lighting features according to room usage.

A second structure, which can be seen more as an extension of the public plaza, will house a fitness and wellness center. Its sloped facades contain 960 integrated photovoltaic cells (spread over 1,420 m²), which once fully- operational, will be capable of producing up to 265,000 kW per year. This complex is accessible via a smaller domed structure (a sort of “cupola” – a subtle hint at the nearby Roman ruins of the Temple of Diane), which along with the auditorium space, becomes a glowing element at night. Visitors the fitness center and wellness center will have access to additional amenities such as a restaurant, business center, and game rooms, in addition to the requisite programmatic elements (spas, wading pools, fitness classrooms, locker rooms, etc.).

from  archdaily


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