*트리 하우스 [ Baumraum ] Backyard Escape_Elliptical Pod Tree House

트리하우스가 추구하는 지속성은 경제적인 효율적인 건축의 거주환경 개선과는 차별화된 자연 공간 형성과 소극적인? 건축의 개입을 통한 자연과의 동조에서 찾아 볼 수 있다. 10미터 높이에 매달린 타원포트 형태의 거주공간은 오크나무와 4개의 인공적인 스트럭쳐를 통해 지지되며 2개의 사다를 통해 접근 가능하도록 설계되었다. 이러한 접근루트는 3.8미터에 위치한 하부 테라스와 10.6미터에 위치한 상부 테라스를 구분 지어 연결하는 사다리로, 풍부한 자연환경과의 접점을 최대한 증폭시키는 아웃도어 스페이스; 테라스를 수직으로 연속, 배치한다. 타원형태 주거의 외형을 마감하는 우드와 징크 판넬은 부유하는 달걀형태를 주변 환경과 조화시키는 동시에 트리하우스만의 독창적인 디자인을 완성시킨다. -건축가의 연속적인 시리즈 중 하나로 도시로 부터 동떨어진 평화로움과 안락함을 선사하는 아지트와 같은 개인 공간을 제공한다.-

reviewed by SJ,오사

Baumraum - known for their tree houses - designed an elliptical pod around two oaks for clients who wanted a backyard escape on their wooded lot in Gross Ippener, North Germany. Treehouse Djuren is positioned between the oaks and is supported by 4 steel supports that expand outward as they rise up to the underside of the tree house in the oak canopies. Additionally Treehouse Djuren is strapped to the oak trees with cables and strapping.

Treehouse Djuren is accessed by 2 ship ladders, the first leads to the lower terrace at 3.8m above ground and the second ladder continues on the upper terrace at 10.6m above ground. The double decker terrace system creates two awesome outdoor zones where the homeowners can appreciate their surrounding landscape and wildlife inhabitants.

The elliptical shape of the dwelling creates an egg shaped profile from the side and the architects have played this up by cladding the sides in a shiny egg white finish surrounding a wood framed window that resembles a yolk. Aside from the glossy white sides, Treehouse Djuren is all wood with the exception of the sheet zinc roof.

One of the oak trees not only carries the load of two terraces through a suspension system comprised of cables but it also offers an up close and personal view of the tree itself as it rises through voids within the terraces. As the tree grows older, the void diameters will be increased to allow for the expanding girth of the trunk.

A glazed door leads from the upper terrace to the inside of Treehouse Djuren where one can enjoy the forested vistas from bench seats below the windows.

The benches follow the curvature of the window to create a comfortable place to lounge or sleep. To add to the cozy factor the benches have been upholstered in a soft grey felt and the wall has been fitted with a small reading light.

The yolk window has a small openable pane for cross ventilation, and when its open the sound of the leaves rustling in breezes and birds chirping must be so relaxing.

The interior of the pod is a cozy 10.6sqm while the terraces add an additional 16.4sqm of outdoor living space.

Treehouse Djuren is safely and gently integrated into its forested landscape for an amazing backyard treetop escape.

from  trendir


Designed by JB FACTORY