*선큰 커뮤니티 센터 [ Petr Hájek ] Concrete education centre_sunken into a park landscape

지역주민들의 문화생활 및 소셜활동 보장을 위한 센터는 도시공원의 전면부에 위치한 KRNAP 어드민 빌딩의 지층에 배치된다. 외부로 드러나지 않는 지면으로 선큰된 센터는 Krkonoše산의 형상을 모티브로 경사진 지붕 위에 실제 토피가 적층되며 세듐과 같은 초화류가 식재된다. 이를 통해 건축과 자연은 연속된 환경, 분절점 없는 환경을 구축하며 효율적인 에너지 사용과 더불어 자연보존 및 국립공원의 지속성을 상기시키는 건축적 제스쳐로 사용된다. 내부공간은 플라이우드를 이용한 파티션과 가구로 지역주민들을 위한 각종 세미나와 강의 공간으로 제공된다.

reviewed by SJ, 오사

The building is situated into a city park in front of the administration building of KRNAP (Krkonoše Mts. National Park). The building geometry is derived from the geometry of Krkonoše Mountains. Every edge or slope on the building could be found in its real, natural topography. In between of the metal vectors, which represent the mountain ridges, there is growing sedum.

Location: Vrchlabi, Czech Republic
Client: Krkonoše Mountains National Park Administration
Architecture firm: Petr Hajek Architekti
Architect: Petr Hájek
Participation on the concept: Helena Línová, Michal Volf
Design participation: Cornelia Klien, Andrea Kubná, Ondřej Lipenský, Helena Línová, Martin Prokš, Martin Stoss, Michal Volf, Jan Kolář
Graphic designer: Kristina Ambrozová
Civil engineer: Jan Kolář
Geometry of the shell: Jaroslav Hulín
Portable furniture: Cornelia Klien, Martin Stoss

The new building is set apart from the existing one to create an entrance platform. This public space atmosphere is supported by fully glazed side wall through which it is possible to look into the building and indirectly become a part of an ongoing lecture or seminar inside of the building.

The building itself is energy efficient and should represent the ideas of the National park and preservation of nature. Main bearing structure and underground walls are made out of face concrete. Inner partitions and furniture are made out of plywood. Design of furniture and dimensions of its basic parts are adapted for the size of plywood plates and because of that there are no wasted residues.

from  dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY