*브링톤 재활용 하우스 [ BBM ] Brighton Waste House

3달의 제품 제작기간, 12달의 건축시공기간 그리고 20,000개의 칫솔, 2톤이 넘는 청바지, 4,000개 DVD케이스, 2,000개 플로피 디스크, 2,000 사용된 카펫타일은 253명에 달하는 학생들과 그의 지도교수들을 통해 구축된다. 재활용 재료를 이용, 반영구적인 지속가능한 공간 구축을 목표로 진행되는 프로젝트는 브링톤 대학, 예술학부 주관으로 진행되는 연구실험으로 관련 교수를 포함한 학생들 그리고 디자이너, 예술가, 마케터, 시공자, 과학자 등 다양한 분야의 전문가들을 포함하는 워크샵을 통해 진행, 구축된다. 영국 내 첫번째 실험적인 빌딩으로 과잉생산된 재료, 폐기된 플라스틱, 산업 구축과정에 발생된 산업 부산물, 그밖에 주거와 산업현장에서의 폐기물을 이용함으로써 이번 프로젝트를 위한 추가적인 생산활동을 지양한다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

Following 3 months in production, 12 months on site, and the installation of 20,000 toothbrushes, 2 tonnes of denim jeans, 4,000 DVD cases, 2,000 floppy discs, 2000 used carpet tiles (to clad the facades) and the hard work of 253 students and apprentices we have been able to complete The Brighton Waste House on campus at The Faculty of Arts Grand Parade.

The Brighton Waste House is a 'live' research project and permanent new design workshop focused on sustainable development. It is situated on campus at The University of Brighton's Faculty of Arts at Grand Parade. Designed by Senior Lecturer and Architect Duncan Baker-Brown together with undergraduate students, this project was built by apprentices from The Mears Group, students from City College Brighton & Hove and The Faculty of Arts as well as volunteers. In all over 250 students helped on site.

The Brighton Waste House is the first permanent building in the UK to be constructed from waste, surplus material and discarded plastic gathered from the construction industry, other industries and our homes. The idea, developed with Cat Fletcher of FREEGLE UK, is to test the performance of these undervalued resources over the next few years; the Faculty of Science & Engineering have put sensors in the external walls to monitor their performance.

One of the main aims of the project was to prove 'that there is no such thing and waste, just stuff in the wrong place'.

Now an open design research studio, run in partnership with our colleagues delivering the Sustainable Design MA on campus, the Brighton Waste House will be available to schools, colleges and community groups for 'green' themed events and any interested parties can join in with sustainable design workshops and events curated by designers, artists, makers, builders, scientists writers-in-residence, whoever is interested.

The project has been very fortunate to receive the enlightened support of Brighton & Hove City Council Planning & Building Control departments, as well as the generous contributions of suppliers within the contraction industry.

Waste House statistics:
» 2507 person days to build - 97.5 % of days from students, apprentices & volunteers
» 253 different students inducted and working on site
»  Over 700 school children visited the construction site
» Jason Reeves (City College student then Mears Apprentice) - 5+ weeks while at the City College working on columns and beams plus 30 weeks on site – most as Mears Apprentice
» 3 months in production in City College workshops, plus 12 months on site
» 19,800 toothbrushes used as wall insulation - Gatwick Airport supplied 20K, school children and Freegle supplied 1K
» 2 tonnes of waste (from rag trade) denim jean legs & arms - used as wall insulation
»  200 rolls of brand new wallpaper - thrown away to make way for Christmas decorations

» 4,000 VHS video cassettes - used as wall insulation
» 4,000 Plastic DVD cases - used as wall insulation
» 600 sheets of second-hand and/or damaged ply - used for structure and infill 'cassettes'
» 70m2 of plywood re-used from UOB ‘Waste Totem’ project
» 50m2 of 30mm thick mdc - used as first floor finish - wood Recycling project.
» 1 'waste' kitchen - FREEGLE UK
» Kitchen worktop made from second-hand coffee grinds & plastic coffee cups
» 500 cycle inner tubes - used to seal windows and sound proof first floor

» 10m2 of compressed recycle paper forming stair treads and risers - Supplied by Lindner Group
» 65m2 of rubber membrane from for roof finish - made from old Pirelli car tyres
» 2km of second-hand 2"x2" softwood timber - used throughout building and sourced from skips/ City College/ Brighton Wood Store
» 600 vinyl banners - used as vapour control membrane to wrap house + make Waste House banner bags!
» 2,000 used carpet tiles - used as external hanging tiles for walls & some on the ground floor
» 10 tonnes of chalk destined for landfill - used to create beautiful load bearing internal wall
» 20 litres of second hand paint - supplied by Newlife Paints
» 7.2 cubic metres of polystyrene from old packaging - used as wall insulation
» 2000 second-hand bolts
» 250m2 of 'seconded/returned' Kingspan insulation - used as wall, floor & roof insulation

from  dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY