*어반 빌라 [ LOG ] Villa des Sciences

빌라가 추구구하는 건축의 지향점은 기존 어반패브릭을 존중, 투영하는 클래식한 디자인과 빠르게 변화하는 현대 도심생활에 적응하는 고유한 건축인자가 결합된 복합주거를 꿈꾼다. 이러한 연장선상에서 건축은 이웃한 건축물과의 호흡, 발란스를 맞추며 가로환경, 스카이라인, 입면 디자인을 주변 환경 속으로 동기화 한다. 그리고 그 속에 재구성되는 건축물은 주변 클래식한 아파트의 버티컬 윈도우를 재해석한 다양한 크기의 오프닝으로, 스카이라인을 연장하는 사선지붕으로, 점진적으로 백색에서 회색으로 변화하는 패턴으로 디자인된 파사드 디자인으로 새로운 공간을 재정의한다.

reviewed by SJ,오사

Log architectes’ housing, office and commercial programme resolves the issue of handling corners by joining the street-side facade to the gable wall, making it a facade in its own right.

The design defines a simple outline marked by openings and the dynamic of the materials chosen, and seeks to meld the new building into the surrounding urban fabric.

Villa des Sciences, Paris, France
Program: residential, office, commercial
Architects: LOG Architectes
Contractor: Quanim
Area: 1300 sqm
Completion: 2013

The gable wall, visible from a distance of 300 m in the street, serves as the project's main facade. The ground floor is designed to create continuity with the shops along the street. The massive grey lintel creates a clear outline of the foundation and offers a location for new stores.

The design is scaled to fit in with its surroundings. The series of openings of different sizes recall the classic vertical windows of the apartment buildings to the right, before shifting to echo the horizontal geometry of the Pasteur building's windows, creating bay windows which frame views of the city and seem to extend the living areas.

The colours of the brick transition from white to grey and then to a darker anthracite at the top of the building, blurring the distinction between the facade and the roof and giving it a contemporary look.

The courtyard side, which faces southeast, is practically all glass, with generous balconies extending the living areas into the neighbouring green spaces which have been protected or recreated.

The corner is handled naturally with trompe-l'œil windows, continuing the visual effect of the long windows lining the main road. A glass column creates a clear break between the gable and the neighbouring red brick cube and provides light to the common areas.

from  domusweb


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