*목욕탕에서 리테일 샵으로 [ Nobuo Araki ] The Pool Aoyama


이전 장소의 기억은 현재 공간을 디자인하는 주요한 모티브로 제공되며 이것을 구성, 디자인하는 재료와 형태로 구현된다.

The Pool Aoyama is situated near Kotto Street in Minami-Aoyama, on the ground floor of an apartment building constructed in the 1970s.

Formerly used as an indoor swimming pool, the interior has been renovated to provide a space for a fashion brand to bring their concepts to life. On our first visit to the empty pool, we were drawn to the soft light that filled the space, and the charm of the well-worn walls and floor that had come through decades of use. Accordingly we have retained the beauty and allure of the original interior through a minimal amount of alterations and furniture. In addition to offering increased functionality, the newly designed interior also allows daylight to continue to permeate through the glass ceiling.

Architects: Nobuo Araki
Location: Tokyo,
Architect In Charge: / The Archetype
Area: 161 sqm
Year: 2014
Photographs: Atsushi Fuseya, Kai Hiroyo

from  archdaily


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