*지속성장 가능한 장소로 제안되는 건축 [ Rafael de La-Hoz ] Campus Repsol

지속성장 가능한 장소의 기준을 제시하다. 대지의 지속성장성을 확보하는 건축공간의 구현은 주변환경을 통합하는 웰빙스페이스로 재활용 자재의 사용과 에코효율 증대를 통해 이루어진다. 이러한 건축물의 디자인과 구축의 포인트는 다음의 6가지 포인트로 구성된다; 1.대지의 지속성장 가능성 / 2.물의 효율적 활용 / 3.환경과 에너지를 고려한 건축 / 4.재료와 자원 / 5.쾌적한 내부환경 / 6.리노베이션과 컨셉

상기사항을 원칙으로 마드리드, 멘데스 알바로에 위치한 캠퍼스 랩솔은 123,000m2 규모로 대형 중정을 둘러싼 4개 건물과 100그루의 마드리드 자생 식생으로 구성된다. (비가 적고 매우 건조한 대륙성 기후로 식물의 생존에 척박한 환경) 그리고 6개 대원칙은 다음과 같이 건축에 적용, 반영된다.

1.지속 가능한 대지: 기존 산업단지내 인프라(버스, 지하철, 철도, 고속철도)와 연계되는 친환경 교통수단; 자전거, 전기자동차의 연결을 통해 친환경 네트워크를 구축한다.

2.우수의 적극적 재활용: 마드리드의 기후에 적합한 자생식물로 식재된 정원 디자인 (소량의 물 이용)과 중수처리를 통해 욕실, 샤워에 재활용되는 중수활용.

3.환경 그리고 에너지: 대체 에너지의 적극적 사용, 태양광 전지판 또는 기후조정 시스템과 온수생산을 위한 가스히팅 펌프사용.

4.재료및 자원활용: 적극적인 재활용재료의 사용과 더불어 자재생산시 산업폐기물을 소량으로 발생시키는 원자재 사용.

5.내부공간의 거주환경 확보: 효율적인 라이트 컨트롤 시스템의 적용을 통한 저탄소 디자인은 내부에 풍부한 자연채광과 자연환기를 유도하는 동시에 내부 중정의 드라마틱한 경관을 제공한다.

6.혁신적인 디자인: 다양한 옵션 및 개인의 이동수단을 만족시키는 트랜스포트 매니저 플랜 구축.

reviewed by SJ

The highest distinction for newly constructed buildings is awarded by the prestigious U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). LEED NC (New Construction and Major Renovations) certification guaranties that the entire building has been designed and built according to the most demanding sustainability criteria.

Architects: Rafael de La-Hoz
Location: Calle de Méndez Álvaro, 50, 28045 , Spain
Area: 123000.0 sqm
Year: 2013
Photographs: Filippo Poli

Aspects such as sustainability of the plot, usability of eco-efficient means of transportation or the use of recycled materials have been assessed for the awarding of LEED NC certification. The certification acknowledges the positive impact on the well-being of occupants and the environment.

The design and construction of the building focused on 6 essential points: 1. Sustainable plot; 2.Water efficiency; 3. Energy and atmosphere; 4. Materials and resources; 5. Interior environmental quality 6. Renovation in the conception (developed below the press release).

Campus Repsol, located in calle Méndez Álvaro in Madrid, has a built area of 123.000 m2 and includes four buildings “cloistered” around a large central garden which, among other features, includes 100 trees that are suited to Madrid´s climate. The headquarters was recently shown to the public during Madrid´s Architecture Week and reached a record number of visitors.

Sustainable site

The chosen site enables the development of a former industrial area with existing infrastructure. It has an extensive network of public services (bus, subway, local rail, high-speed rail, etc.) and benefits from policies to encourage the use of bicycles, electric vehicles, high occupancy vehicles and low emission, fuel-efficient vehicles. A series of actions was also taken to encourage good relations with neighbouring communities, such as watering the building site with non-drinkable water to avoid clouds of dust and cleaning the tyres of lorries before they leave the site, pedestrianizing the area and providing the neighbourhood with a telephone helpline during the building work.

Water efficiency

Water consumption was optimised by designing the gardens to need less watering, choosing plant species suited to the Madrid climate, using water-efficient equipment (bathrooms, taps, showers, etc.) and using rainwater for irrigation, which is stored in an underground tank with a capacity of 250,000 litres.

Energy and atmosphere

Alternative energy generation methods were sought, such as the use of photovoltaic solar panels or gas heat pumps for climate control and hot water production.

Materials and resources

From the design phase onwards, materials with a high-recycled content were chosen, reducing impacts from the extraction and processing of raw materials, supporting the use of local resources and encouraging responsible forestry.

Indoor environmental quality

As well as minimising carbon emissions, users were encouraged to be particularly aware, by controlling lighting systems, maximising interior natural light and providing pleasant views of the gardens. A comfortable temperature is ensured using the most advanced climate-control systems that monitors the quality of breathable air.

Innovation in design

A transport management plan was applied which quantifiably reduces the use of personal vehicles with multiple options and alternatives.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY