*클라우드 서니힐 케잌 샵 [ Kengo Kuma ] SunnyHills cake shop

파인애플 케잌을 전문적으로 판매하는 샵의 독특한 외형은 일본 전통의 목조 결구방식의 재해석을 통하여 구현된다. -대나무 바구니 같기도 하고, 거대한 구름 덩어리 같기도 하고...- 일반적으로 두개의 부재가 결구되면 2방향의 공간값이 갖는다. 하지만 여기 30도 각도로 결구된 부재는 3개의 방향을 갖으며 공간으로 확장된다. 이러한 아이디어로 부터 시작된 샵의 외형 디자인은 60x60 리니어한 나무부재를 이용, 아오야마 주거단지 내 거대한 구름 한덩어리로 구현된다. 기존 콘크리트 박스와는 확연히 구분, 차별화되는 세밀하면서도 소프트한 감성공간은 도시와 건축간의 새로운 앙상블을 만들며 도시공간을 건강하게 만든다.

reviewed by SJ

This shop, specialised in selling pineapple cake (popular sweet in Taiwan), is in the shape of a bamboo basket. It is built on a joint system called "Jiigoku-Gumi", traditional method used in Japanese wooden architecture (often observed in Shoji: vertical and cross pieces in the same width are entwined in each other to form a muntin grid). Normally the two pieces intersect in two dimensions, but here they are combined in 30 degrees in 3 dimensions (or in cubic), which came into a structure like a cloud. With this idea, the section size of each wood piece was reduced to as thin as 60mm×60mm.

Design architecture: Kengo Kuma & Associates
Structure: Jun Sato Structural Engineering
Facilities: Kankyo Engineering
Construction: Satohide Corporation
Location: Minami Aoyama 3-10-20 Minato-ku Tokyo Japan
Site Area: 175.69 sqm
Building Area: 102.36 sqm
Total Floor Area: 293.00 sqm
No. of Floors: BF1, 1F, 2F, RF
Structure: reinforced concrete, partially timber
Primary use: Store (retail)
Client: SunnyHills Japan

As the building is located in middle of the residential area in Aoyama, we wanted to give some soft and subtle atmosphere to it, which is completely different from a concrete box. We expect that the street and the architecture could be in good chemistry.

from  dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY