*이탈리아 팔라조 리노베이션 프로젝트 [ building ] the number 6

넘버 6 프로젝트의 지향점은 과거와 현재를 연결, 시공간을 뛰어넘는 건축의 아름다움을 통해 안락하며 평온한 거주환경을 확보하는데 있다. 1663년 건립된 팔라조 리노베이션은 이전의 시간이 새겨진 건축환경을 존중, 이전 바로크 시대의 디자인을 수복, 재발견 시키는 동시에 현대적이며 감각적인 디자인과의 다이나믹한 조우를 연출한다. 그것은 건축가가 여기에 디자인 어휘로 사용하는 두가지 요소; 빛과 재료의 경게없는 만남에서 시작된다. 도시를 향한 외부는 시간을 훌쩍 뛰어넘는 바로크 양식으로 수복, 재현한다. 이와는 반대로 중정으로 면한 내부의 건축환경은 새롭게 구성된 36개의 유닛과 공용공간; 퍼블릭 캐터링과 아트스페이스이 과거와 현재의 환상적인 조화 속에 안락한 거주공간으로 재탄생되도록 도와준다. 특히 백색의 중정 속에 새롭게 자리 잡은 갖가지 식물과 빛의 만남은 나무를 형상화한 라이트 트리와 더불어 공간을 다양하며 풍성하게 만든다.

reviewed by SJ

the number 6 is a sensible restoration of the palazzo valperga galleani built in 1663 that consolidates the history and the present through imaginative elements with a careful negotiation of heritage, technology, elegance, and imagination. carried out by experienced italian studio building, the palazzo is now the home to 36 refurbished units and a newly open courtyard that the community utilizes for art space or public gatherings. the project unites two separate approaches joined seamlessly through material and light. the first, a strict restoration of the ornate baroque architecture present especially throughout the lobby and first floor. the exterior of the building is also preserved to its original splendor, almost masking the vibrant contemporary world inside to the unsuspecting eye. a historic rooftop giardino is also brought back to life, allowing its plants to drape into the open air courtyard. the second face to the project is the new language that is blended into the historic. synchronized colorful led lights illuminate the new soul of the building – from glowing stones that make up the cobbled plaza to the highlighted plants, light-raked walls and interior accents, the lighting scheme produces scenes through a synchronized system that defines the palazzo almost as a fantasy. an abstracted tree of metal tube strands is supported over the courtyard stands as a metaphor for the palazzo’s past, with colorful tips that cycle through various tones throughout the night.

the interior of each unit reflects the exact layout already determined a century ago but contains a completely new character with plenty of natural light, layers of transparency, reflective surfaces and the continuation of an environment-defining lighting plan. new openings in the timber roof allow the retrofitted loft spaces in the attic to become usable and desirable additions to the apartments and allow residents to have a different relationship to the structure. materials also play a large role in the interiors as they do in the exterior. certain original features of the building are left exposed, such as the wooden rafters, contrasted by inserted steel staircases, glass panels and guardrails, and pristine white gypsum board walls.

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY