*중수시설 현대화사업 [ Manuel Aires Mateus + Frederico Valsassina + João Nunes ] Alcantara Wastewater Treatment Plant Refurbishment

주변 생태환경을 복원, 존중하는 지속 가능한 건축의 연장선상에서 알칸타라 중수재활용시설의 현대화 사업은 건축과 랜드스케이프의 통합에 의한 인프라시설 구축을 이룬다. 주변 자연환경에서 연장된 건축환경은 시설물을 뒤덮는 생태지붕으로 인공적인 건축물을 자연 속에 숨긴다.

reviewed by SJ

In Alcantara Wastewater Treatment Plant’s modernization project, some environmental preservation reasons imposed the creation of a green roof. Furthermore, the program foresaw two service buildings: one for monitoring the Plant, and a second one to house the public company headquarter.

Architects: Frederico Valsassina Arquitectos + João Nunes + Manuel Aires Mateus
Location: Lisboa, Portugal
Architects In Charge: , Frederico Valsassina, João Nunes
Coordinators: Inês Cordovil, Jorge P. Silva
Project Area: 3,155 sqm
Project Year: 2011
Photographs: FG + SG – Fernando Guerra + Sérgio Guerra – Fotografia de arquitectura

Collaborators: João Esteves, Elisa Laval, Humberto Fonseca, Duarte Madrugo, Catarina Bello, Pedro Canotilho
Landscape: PROAP
Contractor: Somague, Edifer, Hidrocontracto

In this project, the different programs overlap: the plant is covered with a “thick habitable roof” which houses the facilities, corridors and other services. In a territorial scale, the green roof extends the natural hills of Alcantara Valley, reducing the damage the road infrastructures cause to the area.

Within the roof the building integrates itself. By shaping the topography, habitability conditions are generated. The administrative areas are defined by a limiting wall, a glass plane and scattered volumes with secondary functions; those elements separate the internal corridors from the workspaces.

from archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY