*팩토리 기능에 충실하다 [ Ramón Fernández-Alonso ] Research and Production Plant for Pharmaceutical and Food Products

여기 팩토리의 구성원리는 단순하다. 기능. 그리고 이러한 기능을 수반하기 위한 공간들은 물류동선, 작업동선의 우선순위에 따라 배치되고 정렬된다. 의약품과 식료품의 생산과 연구 그리고 이에 대한 프리젠테이션, 교육의 프로그램을 담고 있는 팩토리의 심플한 외관은 노출콘크리트를 이용, 내부 프로그램의 기능을 적나라하게 표출한다. 총 3개층으로 구분된 팩토리는 생산라인과 이에 따른 각종 유틸리티 -저층부는 물류동선에 위치한 하역장을 비롯, 생산품의 적재, 원료의 적재 지역과 생산라인으로 구분된다.- 가 위치한 저층부, 생산품에 대한 전반적인 교육 및 프리젠테이션이 이뤄지는 중층 그리고 연구시설이 배치된 상층부로 구성된다. 그리고 각 레벨 공간은 앞서 말한 것처럼 팩토리를 구축하는 주요한 법칙; 물류동선에 따라 조닝된 공간은 주출입구, 그리고 각 층의 수직물류를 담당하는 코어, 코어로 부터 각 플랫레벨을 연결하는 중앙 복도를 축으로 정렬된다. 그렇게 팩토리는 철저히 기능에 따라 건축된다. 당연하다는 듯이.

reviewed by SJ

Factories for the manufacture of foodstuffs and pharmaceutical products give rise to production processes sharing common areas in certain cases. This project has therefore been developed to identify these common points and combine them; to organize traffic patterns in order to merge them into spatial areas and structure the functional project in three levels within a single building.

Architects: Ramón Fernández-Alonso
Location: Granada,
Area: 6,778 sqm
Year: 2010
Photographs: Fernando Alda, Courtesy of

Quantity Surveyor: Miguel Ángel Jiménez Dengra
Engineer: Esteban Vargas
Collaborators: Alfonso Montilla, Jorge Mingorance, Gonzalo Arias Building contractor: Invester U.T.E.
Company: Terres S.L.
Property Developer: Fundación Parque Tecnológico de Ciencias de la Salud de Granada
Budget: 15,419,631.24 euros

The upper level is devoted to research: RESEARCH; the lower level, to manufacturing: OPERATION/HANDLING; and the middle level; to presentation: TEACHING.

The most specific areas of traffic movement are organized starting at the entrance to the building on the middle level. The changing rooms are located on the upper level, thus avoiding two-way traffic and making better use of the vertical traffic nucleus without mixing traffic patterns. The entire plant is organized around an axis, a central corridor located on the upper floor, which allows access to the two plants -Form Production and Foodstuffs- as well as organizing and structuring the building by creating a hierarchy of areas within the rest of the building.

On the lower level, the division of the Products and Materials loading and unloading area into two areas with an independent outside access for each makes for a more spatially organized and practical manufacturing plant, adding a logical, sequential aspect to the process which begins with the unloading of raw materials and ends with the loading of the finished product without crossing traffic patterns, thanks to the movement of the vertical traffic nucleus. The power generation room is located on this level, separate from the rest of the plant, and the air conditioning room for the entire building is situated on the mezzanine.

Light: Upper level: uniform, northern exposure. Laboratory lighting comes primarily from almond-shaped skylights installed in the ceiling. These skylights are supported by sheets comprised of reinforced concrete wall beams, cutting them off from southern exposure.

Lower level: east-west, filtered light. On this level, the elevated traffic area protects the building from westerly gradient light. Easterly light will enter through an almond-shaped opening in the sheet of water in the Campus facade.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY