*제로에너지 스쿨 [ Mikou Design Studio ] Zero Energy School

제로 에너지 스쿨; 세인트 쿠엔에 위치한 더독 스쿨은 지속가능한 도시모델을 위해 자크 데 독; 복합 개발 지역의 중심부에 전략적으로 자리한다. 자크 데 독 프로젝트가 지향하는 개발의 상징적 의미 투영 -지속가능한 도시공간 구현-과 주위환경 내에 강한 건축적 캐릭터를 구현하기 위해 건축은 다음과 같이 구성된다. 쾌적한 교육환경의 구현을 위해 남향배치; 동서로 긴 건축물의 형태는 크게 3개의 스텝으로 구분, 배치되며 각 블록 사이에 학생들의 야외활동을 위한 플레이그라운드와 가든이 설치되어, 각 공간을 버퍼한다. -일정한 거리와 레벨로 구분, 각 내부공간에 채광과 환기를 자연스럽게 유도한다.- 여기에 스쿨의 건축적 아이텐티를 정의하는 태양광전지 판넬은 지속가능한 건축; 제로에너지 스쿨을 적나라하게 보여주는 장치로 태양의 입사각을 고려한 각도로 배치된다.

reviewed by SJ

The Docks school in Saint Ouen is in a strategic urban location, in the middle of the Zac des Docks mixed development area, which an exemplary case of sustainable urban development.

Zero Energy School, Saint Ouen, Paris, France
Program: Elementary school, preschool, sports and recreation center, restaurant, administration
Architects: Mikou Design Studio
Area: 4820 sqm
Completion: October 2013

Located in the middle of an urban complex composed mainly of high-rise office blocks and housing, it will also be visible because of its roof, a fundamental feature of the project onto which the openings of neighbouring buildings face.

Mikou Design Studio designed this amenity to consume zero energy in order to be emblematic of the sustainable development of the Zac des Docks project and to be a strong architectural landmark in its neighbourhood, which is exemplary by its choice of siting, by the interior comfort provided for the children – particularly in the design of the school playgrounds and gardens – and by the treatment of the areas of photovoltaic panels, which are integrated into the architecture and are visible from the main street, giving the school a strong educational identity.

The building’s siting facilitated south-facing orientation of all the classrooms and playgrounds in order to make the greatest possible use of passive solar energy. This spatial disposition also made it possible to increase the surface areas on the south required for the photovoltaic panels which were integrated into the architecture of the covered playground areas.

Therefore the scheme is in the form of a mass built in stepped tiers on the east, on the main street, which is extended by large canopies and which folds in crosswise strips on the site’s diagonal to face southwards.

These stepped crosswise strips are separated by internal gardens which open wide east-west transparent views into the school while allowing clear identification of the various teaching areas open to the light and to the peace and quiet on sheltered internal patios.

Facing southwards, the school is arranged in a succession of gardens and volumes in brightly-lit terraces which gradually descend to free the view and to let in maximum sunshine.

from  domusweb


Designed by JB FACTORY