*도심형 복합주거 개발 프로젝트 [ Wiel Arets Architects ] B’ Tower

로테르담 시내 중심부, 도심 주거환경 개선 프로젝트의 일환으로 진행된 B타워 프로젝트는 기존에 위치한 대형 상가 -1955년에 건립된 백화점- 와 연접, 연결되며 리테일과 레지던스로 구성된 복합 주거 건축물로 디자인된다. 70미터의 높이의 빌딩은 저층부, 포디움 섹션과 고층부, 타워섹션으로 구분; 먼저 포디움 섹션은 지면의 보행자로와 집적 연결되는 리테일과 로비 그리고 중층에 자동차 주차를 위한 파킹 스페이스가 위치한다. 가로환경의 접근성 - 보행자를 위한 공용공간 확보-을 높이는 동시에 거주자의 원활한 도심생활을 보장하는 주차시스템은 자동차 전용 리프트를 이용, 총 2개레벨에 64면의 주차공간을 계획, 커튼월을 통한 도심경관을 바라보는 색다른 경험 또한 선사한다. -우리나라의 경우는 지상층에 설치한 주차공간의 경우 바닥면적 산정에서 제외하는데 여기는 어떨까?-

타워섹션은 총 54개의 스튜디오 유닛 -우리 주거형태 중 원룸형과 가깝다.- 과 24개의 아파트 유닛으로 구성된 주거영역으로 현재 도심 주거환경에 적극적으로 대응하는 동시에 미래주거환경에 폭넓게 대응할 수 있도록 계발, 디자인 되었다. 도시와의 밀착된 경험을 선사하는 주거의 유닛의 외부 발코니는 2.4*2.1 크기로 6인이 식사를 가능하도록 디자인한 것이 특징이다. 냉난방 및 환기를 위한 시스템은 슬래브 올인원 타입으로 구성되며, 냉방은 전기를 난방은 지역난방의 열에너지를 이용한다.

reviewed by SJ

The B’ Tower, located in the center of Rotterdam, is composed of three distinct volumes of retail and residential program, and is a contiguous extension of Marcel Breuer’s 1955 ‘Bijkenkorf’ department store. Standing at a height of 70 m, its plinth encompasses retail while its subsequent volumes are composed of 54 studios and 24 apartments, respectively. The city of Rotterdam mandated in the mid-1990s that a portion of newly built structures in its center incorporate housing; intrinsically, the B’ Tower is one of the first of these buildings, seeking to impart and sustain an urban vibrancy within this rapidly restructuring district.

Architects: Wiel Arets Architects
Location: , The Netherlands
Design Team: Wiel Arets, Bettina Kraus, Carsten Hilgendorf, Joris van den Hoogen
Area: 15,000 sqm
Year: 2013
Photographs: Jan Bitter

ollaborators: Kam Bava, David Luque, Marie Morin, Deniza Radulova, Sash Reading, Jasper Stevens, Michal Switalski, Cindy Wouters, Aynav Ziv
Consultants: Ingenieursbureau Zonneveld BV, Valstar Simonis Raadgevende Ingenieurs BV, Cauberg Huygen Raadgevende Ingenieurs BV
Date Of Design: 2000-2006
Client: MAB Bouwfonds

Adjacently sited to a pedestrian promenade, the tower’s retail and lobby are accessed by foot, while its residential program provides additional entry options for automobiles and bicyclists. Specially designated elevators enable this automobile entry, which rise four stories to an elevated park that offers direct access to the building’s core. This two-story and 64 space car park allows for views onto the city’s surroundings beyond a ribbon of transparent glazing, disclosing the first of many cinematographic experiential sequences within this hybrid tower.

Foreseeing a possible future conversion of use, the tower was developed so as to allow for the transformation of its residential units, which currently function as short stay apartments, into cooperative housing. The ground floor retail space is multi-storied in height, exposing itself to the adjacent pedestrian promenade, and columns within each corner of the tower allow for completely flush glazing. The upper storied residential volumes feature generously sized balconies, each ad measuring 2.4 x 2.1 m, providing the tower’s residents with outdoor entertainment space able to accommodate a six-person dinner party table.

A collectively balanced heating and cooling system is embedded within each floor slab, together with electrical and IT solutions, regulating the flow of ventilation to and from the tower at all times. Energy for heating is circulated throughout each slab by way of the area’s central ‘district heating’ system, while cooling is collectively created within a central device before its distribution. This holistic approach to the interior climate allowed for the seamless integration of the heating, cooling, electrical, and IT components, which service the tower’s environmental needs without dictating its design. Capping both the roof of the elongated retail space and the top of the tower are areas of green vegetation.

Interior living spaces are outfitted with kitchens designed by WAA in collaboration with Alessi and Valcucine, with most remaining residential furnishings designed by WAA in collaboration with Lensvelt. All bathrooms are equipped with the WAA Il Bagno dOt bathroom series fixtures, which are produced by Alessi, Laufen, and Oras. Unique to the uppermost and cantilevered volume’s residences are façade facing bathrooms, allowing one to soak in an oversized bathtub while overlooking the skyline of Rotterdam below and beyond.

from  archdaily


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