*덴마크 유클란트 관광센터 [ CEBRA ] RebildPorten

 자연의 단면을 훔치다. 덴마크 북서부의 풍부한 자연환경을 소개, 전시하는 전시장과 이를 관광하기 위한 관광객들을 위한 관광센터, RebildPorten는 독특한 외형으로 주변의 시선을 사로 잡는다. 많은 사람들에게 사랑 받는 천혜의 자연경관을 지닌 유틀란트 북부 지역의 자연보호 지역을 소개하는 인포메이션 센터는 자연의 단면; 울창한 숲속, 그리고 그 숲을 가득 채우는 나무들, 그 나무길을 따라 연속된 오솔길을 투영하는 건축물의 외형은 블러프 팀버를 이용 크로스된 구조물로 구체화 된다.

건축적 어휘로 재해석된 자연의 단면들은 마치 숲속 나뭇가지들이 교차하는 시퀀스를 유도함으로써 숲속의 산책, 자연과의 동기화를 유도한다.특히 이곳을 방문하는 많은 관광객들의 휴게공간으로써 캔틸레버 하부공간은 주요한 공간적 특징을 지니며, 또한 이 공간을 구축하는 크로스 스트럭쳐의 역동적인 디자인 요소가 더해져 센터의 이미지를 아이콘화 하게 한다.

reviewed by SJ

RebildPorten is a new visitor’s centre and exhibition space for one of the most beautiful and popular tourist destinations in northern Denmark: Rebild Hills and Rold Forest.

Architects: CEBRA
Location: ,
Area: 540 sqm
Photographs: Mikkel Frost

This area in northern Jutland forms a unique nature reserve, and thus the area holds an extraordinary potential for  offering spectacular experiences in this very distinctive rolling landscape. Up until now, only a series of red wooden gates marked the entrance to the area. RebildPorten creates a new gathering point that informs, inspires and activates the visitors – an ideal setting for the narrative about cultural history and nature experiences in these unique surroundings.

The project’s distinctive expression and character are derived directly from Nature’s own formal language and elements, which makes the building stand out from its surroundings and blend in with nature’s scenery at one and the same time.

The building as landmark

The structure is designed as a hymn to Nature and the hills and forest, next to which it is situated. It is created in the encounter of building and nature and appears as a sculptural structure made of bluff timber, thus making the building accessible to the eye of the observer – very similar to a forest’s opening and closing when one moves through it, looking upwards through the branches’ chaotic network of crossing lines. By shaping the building out of raw cut timber, the visitor not only experiences a ‘walk in the forest’, and a particular atmosphere determined by Nature’s own strength and rustic weight, but also the scent of wood and nature, which sets the mood for the visit to the forest and hills.

With its location between Rebildhus and The Fiddler’s Museum, the building stands out from its surroundings as a place of significance – a small piece of forest projecting out into the built environment.

Communication and guiding 

Rebild Hills is centrally located in Northern Jutland and is, together with Rold Forest, one the region’s main tourist attractions and recreational areas with approx. 400.000 visitors a year. The visitor’s centre is the gateway to this area, acting both as a key to information and inspiration and as a ‘Chinese box’ where experiences are folded out continuously  and new layers are added.

RebildPorten is the visitor’s window to the unique nature, history and the many activities in the area. At the same time, it aims at contributing to the creation of synergy and a collective identity in a strong and lively local environment with a variety of committed parties.

Thus, communication and guiding becomes a crucial factor for the project’s ability to function as both usable and recognisable gathering point. The project incorporates an overall concept and appearance for communication and presentation, where individual key elements and design secure recognisability, whether you find yourself in virtual space, out in nature or in the building itself.

The building’s distinct characteristic – the ‘graphic’ strength of the timber’s structure and the visual reference to trees and branches – acts as a matrix for logos, communication elements, media, guiding landscape elements etc., in order to create an appearance and a guiding concept, which tie landscape, building and user experience together in one consecutive story.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY