*아틀라스 스포츠 센터 리노베이션 프로젝트 [ Yoonseux Architectes ] Atlas Sports Center

이제 1970년대 파리 시내에 지어진 아틀라스 스포츠센터는 촉감공간으로 변화한다. 수영장 내부 가득찬 물의 유동적인 움직임, 유동체를 형상화하는 천장과 벽의 3차원 패턴은 또다른 텍스쳐를 표현한다. 하이막스로 구현된 반복적인 비정형 패턴은 수영장의 리니어한 방향성과 인테리어 디자인의 정체성을 이야기한다. 특히 천장면에 설치된 핀실링 시스템은 수영장 내부 소리 울림을 흡수하는 소음재 역활뿐만 아니라 아이텐티한 디자인을 대표하는 요소로 사용된다. 리노베이션 된 두개의 레이어는 현대적인 모던함 속에 독특한 질감이 느껴지는 수영 센터로 유니크화 된다.

reviewed by SJ

Installed in the 1970s Atlas Sports Center is located in Paris. In 2009, the city of Paris was checking the dilapidated state of the building and was to modernize the equipment.

Usually there are a lot of limiting factors for remodeling a project. The architects tried to overcome the narrowness, the absence of view etc. with “Flowing space” and “Sensory play”.

Atlas Sports Center, Paris, France
Program: sports center
Architects: Yoonseux Architectes
Client: Ville de Paris
Area: 1,300 sqm
Material: HI-MACS® Artic White
Completion: 2013

The interior of the old Sport Center was completely redone. The volume of the elevator that connects the two layers forms the axis. The entering flow proceeds to the stairs circling around this volume. The ceiling lights emphasize further the direction of the path. The pink partition limits the Space Beauty but doesn’t close it. The reflection of the mirror and the transparency of the glass make the effect of the spatial expansion.

As the program is a pool, especially tactile inspiration and sensuality was considered as a major topic. The choice of HI-MACS® Artic White as the single material enabled the creation of an atmosphere exclusive to a swimming pool, in terms not only of its visual, sensory and tactile dimensions, but also the immediate relationship between body and mind.

As a vehicle for the tactile experience, the human body is completely immersed in its senses. The smoothness of the wall and the floor covered only with Solid Surface give enough tactile pleasure. The acoustic comfort is maximized through the Pin-ceiling and the wall echo-system.

The visual rhythm is produced in harmony with the exposed concrete beams. Various sensory experiences take place in a minimalist space mono-blocked of Solid Surface.

A high level of attention to detail creates conditions for the materials, illumination and calming atmosphere to be perceived in the best possible light by the general public.

from  domusweb


Designed by JB FACTORY