*전원 속 삶의 안식처 [ MJMA ] Clear Lake Cottage

안식처를 찾아서... 아름다운 호수를 바라보는 전망 좋은 낮은 언덕 위에 자리 잡은 클리어 레이크 커타쥐는 기존 1950년대에 지어진 구조물 위에 5인 가족의 사계절을 위한 안식처로 디자인된다. 외부에 마감된 다크 컬러는 내부의 밝은 플라이우드와 대조를 이루며 외부 지향적인 건축공간을 전원풍경 속에 생성한다. 이는 숲을 이루는 바람, 빛, 소리 그리고 살아 있는 주변 자연환경과 조우를 이루며 고유한 캐릭터로 구체화된다. 특히 지속가능한 건축의 지향은 효율적인 에너지 관리를 위한 건축의 귀결로 아름다운 풍경을 감상하는 뷰포인트와 냉방과 환기를 효율적으로 관리하는 개구부 및 창문을 디자인 하게 된다.

reviewed by SJ

Sitting low on the land behind a tree front, Clear Lake Cottage is an unpretentious addition to the scenic landscape of a quiet lake community in Senguin, Ontario.

Designed by Maclennan Jaunkalns Miller Architects (MJMA) for a Toronto family of five, this four season getaway replaces an existing 1950s structure with a modern trapezoidal and skewed volume whose modest, clean architecture blends with the rural character of its location.

The harmonious contrast between its dark exterior, the Douglas Fir forest and the light plywood interiors is made visible through terraces and entry areas that are carved into the singular volume. According to the architects, the resulting fluidity between the indoors and outdoors adds to the client’s wish to ‘maintain an intangible connection to wind, light, sounds and all the natural aspects that meant getting away’.

Following two main lines of approach – context and sustainability – the architects’ design includes a series of strategies that aimed at achieving energy efficiency and a ‘cottage feel’. For instance, the common spaces on the eastern side of the house afford a majestic lake view through oversized, 50% operable windows that provide cross ventilation and cooling.  An R-30 roof, argon-filled low-E glazing and in-floor radiant heating, among other solutions, grant energy efficiency to a project whose single interior volume with an open loft would normally be a difficulty.

from  frameweb


Designed by JB FACTORY