*폴리카보네이트 그 특유의 물성 [ GANA Arquitectura ] Multifunctional Building and Sports Facility

야외 경기장 한켠, 시청 소유의 유휴지에 새롭게 리노베이션된 스포츠 시설은

건축본연의 기능과 합리성 그리고 경제성에 지향점을 목표로 디자인 된다.

이것은 두가지 요구조건을 만족시키는 기능적 공간 창출로,

저층부에는 체육시설에서 필요로 하는 체육보조 시설들

-탈의실 및 락커-과 2층에 시청에서 필요로 하는 창고 및 다목적 실을

확보한다. 그리고 이러한 공간들을 구획하는 불투명한 외피는

경제적인 건축을 위한 최선의 선택이자 이번 프로젝트의 캐릭터를 정의하는

디자인 요소로 내부 보이드 스페이스의 컬러풀한 생동감과 더불어

새로운 타입폴로지를 정의하며 건축물을 완성한다.

건축재료로써 폴리카보네이트는 그 특유의 반투과성,

비물질성 뿐만아니라 경제적인 건축환경을 제안하게 한다는 큰 장점을 갖고 있다.

물론 기타 재료 -콘크리트, 스틸-에 비해 강도와 내구성이 떨어지는 것은 사실이지만

그것은 취사 선택의 문제이지, 굳이 시시비비를 가릴 문제는 아닐 것이다.

reviewed by SJ

An athletics stadium. A municipal sports center. A plot. Two levels. A problem. An opportunity.

As part of the remodeling and enlarging works on Fernando Hierro municipal sports facilities, the Town Hall commissioned us to design a storage building in a residual plot located inside the premises.

Architects: GANA Arquitectura
Location: , Málaga,
Architects In Charge: Antonio Galisteo, Álvaro Fernández Navarro
Collaborators: Guillermo Mateos Frutos, Juan Francisco Mata Díaz, Antonio de la Herranz, Francisco Jesús Camacho Gómez, Claudia Muñoz Núñez, Alejandro Reina López.
Area: 655 sqm
Year: 2013
Photographs: Courtesy of GANA Arquitectura, Blanca Green

It consists on working on an island, a place forgotten for more than the fifteen years of existence of the sports center, a plot on hillside, adjacent to the track on the top level and to the tennis courts at the lower level.

From the outset, a need arose to generate a performance that could suture and connect two levels, two leading sports areas which had been coexisting but that have not understood each other for many years.

We proposed a two-storey building, thus ignoring the developer’s initial guidelines, obtaining a locker room for athletes on the ground floor, while leaving the entire upper floor for storage use.

Therefore, we aimed to double the requested area with the same budget, turning a simple and reviled storage area into a store and a new locker room. A complex and difficult but at the same time exciting challenge.

This was achieved through a performance based on the economy of means, on a particular and specific design, and on the confidence in the type and characteristics of a store.

Because performance itself is conceived as an opaque volume that is embedded in the ground, a metal crate piercing the topography; basically a store where a colorful changing room has been gestated. Happy together.

Similarly, the inner courtyards generated on the lower floor are not visible from this level, where they can only be felt and intuited, thus inviting to discovery. Courtyards are only visible from the upper level, but they are not visited, thus completing the poetic ‘wanting but being unable’, ‘with or without you’, misunderstood desire… the store that wanted to be a locker room.

A storage building with a galvanized steel industrial aesthetic, only tinged by a polycarbonate translucent skin in the facade that overlooks the track. A glaze ultimately intended to delve the user into the land of intuition, returning the light from inside out into the stadium at night.

This subtle hint is complemented by the use of color, hidden, but hinted at various points of the building. Finally, user’s exploring interest completes the operation.

from  archdaily


Designed by JB FACTORY