*바위취안 반크 전시센터 [ Vector Architects ] Bayuquan Vanke Exhibition Center

공간과 풍경을, 프라빗과 퍼블릭을 연결한다.

드라마틱한 수평선을 바라다 보는 광활한 대지위에 자리 잡은

바위취안 반크 전시센터의 수직으로 적층된 문화공간은

풍부한 자연환경을 내부로 유입, 새로운 건축공간을 완성한다.

이러한 공간적 특징은 최상층에 위치한 전망대를 비롯,

지면으로 부터 건축물의 유입동선을 시작하는 출입램프와 은행나무 숲,

그리고 각 공간을 연계하는 계단실의 다이나믹한 공간구조에서 찾아 볼 수 있다.

이중 최상층에 위치한 전망대는 거대한 보이드 스페이스? 로 재료와 형태적인

대비를 통한 캐릭터 구체화를 실현한다.

-솔리드와 바다로 열린 보이드, 내부의 밝은 알루미늄 판넬과 외부의 적색 코르텐 스틸 판넬은

그렇게 극적인 대비를 이룬다.-

이번 프로젝트와 같이 굳이 내부 공간을 채우지 않아도 된다.

오히려 채워진 공간 틈으로는 아무것도 끼어들지 못한다.

공간을 위해 비울때 비로소 건축물은 채워진다.

reviewed by SJ

In the summer of 2012, we were invited by Vanke Group to design their exhibition centre in a seashore park at Bayuquan, Yingkou, China. We tried to explore 2 kinds of relationship within the design - the relationship between space and the scenery, and the relationship between public and private.

1, Between space and scenery

The site is flat and vast, with the endless ocean view at one side. The “height” and “distance”, consequently, becomes the key factors through the concept generating process. We set up an observatory platform on the roof of the building, where people could enjoy the maximum view of the landscape. The climbing progress from the grade level to the top platform is the indivisible prelude of the entire spatial experience. Starting with a gentle ramp, visitors will go through a preserved gingko grove, before walking into the inner space carving out of the architectural volume. After going up along a defined stair space, eventually they arrives at the top level, turning around, facing the bondless ocean in the distance.

The platform is enclosed at 2 sides and the top, but fully open to the sea. Such a directional gesture assists to relate the limited place to the endless landscape, and mentally diffuse the boundary between the near and far, small and vast. The surface of the space, made of the matt finished aluminium panel, bounces the light and colour from the environment to inside, through different season, climate, and the time of the day, subtly changing the ambience of the space. The perforated wall facing east, acting as a time machine, casts the ever-shifting pattern of light and shadow to the platform, following the course of the sun.

2, Between public and private

By establishing such a platform, we hope to build up a positive relationship between the public visitors and the program of the client’s brand presence. The platform is completely open to the public, and the climbing ramp and stair system is independent from the interior circulation, which could avoid the interfering by each other. Following their own path, both public and private users have the chance to meet up at the platform. People could relax here, feeling the ocean breeze, taking photos with their friends and family, and being served by the brewery restaurant at the 3 rd floor. Occasionally, concerts and musicals take place at the platform at night time, making such a place as a focal point of the public activities at the seashore park.

from  archello


Designed by JB FACTORY