*안중근 의사 기념관 [ D•LIM architects ] ahn jung geun memorial hall

서울 남산 중턱에 자리 잡은 12개의 큐빅.

솔리드와 보이드, 건축과 자연, 열림과 닫힘. 영속적으로 반복되는 대비를

통해 안중근의사의 기념관은 시작된다.

지면으로 부터 선큰된 건축물은 주변을 둘러쌓고 있는 40푸트 높이의 나무 숲속에

가려져 위치한다. 숨겨짐 그리고 다시 열림.

정형화된 공간의 다양성은 이러한 건축환경 속에서 발현된다.

자칫 식상할 수 있는 -정렬된 12개의 큐빅 볼륨 배치- 공간을 풍부하게 만든다.

총 3개층의 기념관 외관을 감싸고 있는 폴리카보네이트는

내부의 풍부한 채광을 확보하는 동시에 건축물의 기념비적인 형상, 모놀리틱 형상을 표현하는

디자인 어휘로 사용된다.

reviewed by SJ

nestled around a forest on mount nam, the ahn jung-geun memorial hall designed by south korean firm D•LIM architects, is an environmentally efficient center dedicated to one of korea's most famous patriots. located on namsan in seoul, korea the building's configuration of 12 cubic masses are clustered around a central void space. extending upwards from a sunken base, half of the volume sits below the ground level - protecting the view shafts of the 40-foot tall trees that surround the site.

during the day the structures stand tall, like spirits towering over the nearby old war shrine, while at night the hall turns into 12 brightly-burning lights as hundreds of thousands of people pay tribute to the well known independence activist, nationalist, and pan-asianist. the public building offers visitors a sensory experience with an atmosphere that encourages commemoration and contemplation. prominent digital LED screens display ahn's legacy, projecting images and videos onto the interior spaces.

architects: young lim + sun kim (d•lim architects)
project team: sunyoung hwang, jihwan kim, seokwon lee, kyungtae park, hojun song
photographs: youngchae park
location: namsan park, seoul, korea
building area: 1,185.02 m2
gross floor area: 3,756.61 m2
building scope: b2, 2f
exterior finish: u-profiled glass(double), thk 28 pair glass, exposed concrete
interior finish: basalt, polycarbonate panel, water paint on the gypsum board
structure engineering: kyungjai structural engineers co., ltd.
civil engineering: saegil engineering & consulting co., ltd.
mechanical engineering: eng energy design lab
electrical engineering: hitec engineering co.,ltd
lighting design: well-light
construction: daewoo e&c
construction completion: 2010.10
client: the building council of ahn jung-geun memorial

the orthogonally arranged volumes offer a high diversity of spaces with internal large openings. a three-storied centralized void space features a retractable skylight, which emits daylight and natural ventilation into the building. sustainable design principles are applied throughout, with a double-layered skin in the assembly hall and polycarbonate panels to keep the inside temperature stable, as well as providing natural light. water surrounding the site's perimeter falls down to the sunken floor level in summer helping to naturally cool the interior of the building. the translucent texture of the u-shaped glass facade accentuates light reflections and the surrounding greenery, enhancing the symbolic significance of the commemorative hall.

from  designboom


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