클래식, 영원 불변한 진리를 다시 만나다.
스웨덴 스톡홀롬에 새롭게 문을 연 르 페인 프란샤이스 가덴버그 레스토랑은
감각적인 디자이너를 통해 재구성된 현대적 클랙식의 묘미를 맛 볼 수 있다.
이러한 인테리어 디자인을 통해 이곳을 찾는 고객들은
다양한 색감과 재료들이 이루는 앙상블을 체험, 공유함으로써
환타스틱한 공간적 향유를 느끼게 된다.
공간의 미학적 향기가 물씬 풍기는 인테리어 디자인 속에
취해보고 싶다.
reviewed by SJ
We have covered the restaurant design work of the Gothenburg, Sweden-based Stylt Trampoli before when we wrote about Le Rouge in Stockholm.
We loved Le Rouge for the same reasons we are now loving Le Pain
Francais, located along Gothenburg’s classy boulevard,

The slightly mad scale and the magical distortion of proportions,
combined with an elegant use of colour and texture, make the four-story
restaurant into a fantastic experience.
Le Pain Francais is an established chain of French bakeries in
Gothenburg but this is their first foray into a full-scale restaurant.

Stylt, the architecture and design firm known for its use of stories and
narratives as a base for design long before it became common, has
infused Le Pain Francais with an eclectic and not-too-serious
grandiosity harkening back to the times when Paris celebrated Jules
Verne and Gustave Eiffel’s tower adorned the entrance of the Paris
World’s Fair.

Founded by creative director Erik Nissen Johansen, Stylt has designed
restaurant and hotel interiors in Scandinavia for the past 20 years
including the recent successfully crowdsourced and widely celebrated
redesign of the Livingroom of Helsinki’s Klaus K hotel
from thecoolhunter