*빔 앤 블록 하우스, 스마트 하우스 [ mode:lina ] beam and block house

공간의 스마트화? 커플을 위한 140m2 면적의 주거 리모델링 프로젝트는

공간 속 잉여공간을 배제, 제거한다.

 그리고 주거환경 속에서 필수 불가결하게 발생하는 생활요소를

수납하기 위한 최적의 공간을 구축한다.

거주자의 의도에 따라 확장되는 플렉서블한 리빙스페이스와

-한쪽면이 거울로 마감된 슬라이딩 도어를 통하여 공간은 분할, 확장된다.-

계단실 아래 히든 스페이스를 스토리지 공간으로 활용하는 아이디어는

주거공간을 스마트하게 재무장 시킨다.

여기에 거주자의 생활패턴을 반영한 식당 겸 주방 공간과

심플 모던한 인테리어 디자인이 더해져 공간은 더욱 더 스마트해 진다.

reviewed by SJ

'beam and block house', by polish firm mode:lina, has been transformed from a 140square meter shell into a home for a couple. the design of the dwelling has been conceived to incorporate smart storage systems in order to maximize the interior of the tight space. this is evidenced in the hidden cupboards which have been built below the staircase, making use of areas which are normally unused. these open using sliding doors, and feature mirrored surfaces to enlarge the area visually. a small dog house has even been constructed into this area. during the week, the couple is on the go so meals are often an afterthought, however during the weekend they celebrate their time together over meals, and requested that a large island be built into the kitchen area to accommodate their busy work week schedules, as well as their more leisurely weekend pace. the cooking area opens up onto the dining room. a white frame which runs along the ceiling delineates the programs of the home, while breaking up the concrete and wood elements of the home which are attributed to the owners' partiality towards scandinavian style. the use of raw materials with shades of grey, contrasted by bursts of yellow continues upstairs. the master bedroom features a full height wardrobe, while the bathroom continues this attempt to smartly fit all essential components of a home into tight quarters.

program: dream house
design by: architectural studio mode:lina architekci
location: poznań, poland
area: 140 m2
phase: completed (2013)
photos: marcin ratajczak

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY