*티롤리안 페스티발 파킹 타워 [ Kleboth Lindinger Dollnig ] Festspielgarage Erl

티롤리안 축제의 마지막 퍼즐이 완성되었다.

독특한 사선기둥으로 유니크한 캐릭터를 구현하는

주차타워는 새로운 겨울축제 연회장 인근에 위치하며

이곳 축제에 방문하는 사람들의 주차공간을 제공한다.

3층 규모에 500대 주차공간은

계곡 아래에 펼쳐진 축제공간을 내려다 보는 뷰포인트를 형성하며

축제의 시작을 알리는 시작포인트로 방문객들을

인도하게 된다.

reviewed by SJ

The new festival parking garage is the final component in the repositioning of the Tyrolean Festival Erl. Not far from the famous Passionsspielhaus and the spectacular new Winter Festival Hall, the new parking garage with 550 parking spaces is built. The garage develops a unique character. Seen from the south it is very carefully embedded in the landscape, from the north, however, it is clearly visible.

Here, the garage becomes a stage for the festival guests: When exiting the garage, visitors enter a gallery overlooking the Inn valley. Only gradually the festival houses come into view. A clean cut 150m long wall creates a clear separation between outer space and car parking area.

Optimal orientation is guaranteed by an innovative, cheerful colour scheme.

from  dezeen


Designed by JB FACTORY