*임파서블 건축 [ filip dujardin ] impossible architecture

벨기에 건축사진작가 필립은 실제 건축이미지로 부터 확장되는

초현실적 건축이미지를 구성합니다.

현실과 비현실의 경계에 서 있는 아티스트의 작업은

초현실주의 작가 르네 마그리트의 또다른 버전 같아 보입니다.

belgian artist filip dujardin is also an architectural photographer by profession and extends his fascination with the artform through his fictional building series -his latest works being shown as part of his solo exhibition at highlight gallery in san francisco. dujardin’s photomontages are a collection of impossible structures created using a digital collaging technique from photographs of real buildings in and around ghent, belgium. most of his architectural creations are structurally implausible, however, seem perfectly ordinary at first glance, revealing their absurdity only as the viewer notices missing or incongruous details. the opus lays claim to his belgian cultural heritage, referencing surrealists such as rené magritte and raoul servais - carefully weaving the surreal into the rich urban language.

filip dujardin
highlight gallery, san francisco
on from 7th february through til march 29th, 2013

from  designboom


Designed by JB FACTORY