*아사쿠사 컬쳐 투어리스트 인포메이션 센터 [ Kengo Kuma ] Asakusa Culture Tourist Information Center

어반빌딩의 새로운 타입폴로지를 제안합니다.

카미나리-문 게이트 교차로에 위치한 아사쿠사 컬쳐 투어리스트 인포메이션 센터

인근 주민들의 다양한 문화활동과 이곳을 찾는 관광객들을 위한 인포메이션 역활

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여기에 각 층의 끝단마다 대각선을 이루는 층간 루프와 바닥은 그 사이에

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실링 높이를 줄이는 동시에 디자인적인 아이텐티를 만들고 있습니다.

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서로 다른 방향의 얼굴을 만들어 냅니다.

겉의 이미지가 주는 인상보다 내부의 조닝이 더 재미있는 프로젝트 입니다.

시간을 두고 천천히 분석해 보면 더 좋은 결과물을 얻을 수 있을 겁니다.

reviewed by SJ

In the corner premise of just 326 square metres across Kaminari-mon Gate, the building was required to accommodate plural programs such as tourist information center, conference room, multi-purpose hall and an exhibition space.

The center extends Asakusa’s lively neighborhood vertically and piles up roofs that wrap different activities underneath, creating a “new section” which had not existed in conventional layered architecture. Equipments are stored in the diagonally shaped spaces born between the roof and the floor, and by this treatment we could secure large air volume despite its just average height for high-and medium-rise buildings. Furthermore, the roofs not only divide the structure into 8 one-storied houses but also determine the role of each floor. First and second floor has an atrium and in-door stairs, creating a sequence from which you can feel the slope of the two roofs. On 6th floor, taking advantage of the slanted roof, we were able to set up a terraced floor with which the entire room can function as a theater. As angles of the roofs inclined toward Kaminari-mon and the heights from the ground vary from floor to floor, each floor relates differently to the outside, giving a unique character to each space.

from  contemporist


Designed by JB FACTORY