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reviewed by SJ
spanish practice EXIT architects have envisioned a 'public library' for the city of vallecas, spain which metaphorically represents
the cover and contents of a book. wrapped in an enigmatic cover to attract visitors, a reveal within the facade gives onlookers
glimpses of the inside without immediately revealing the entire
contents. surrounding with a pedestrian boulevard in a residential
district, visually lifted by a band of columns windows, the elevated opaque mass contains four storeys of program creating a dense and compact form. three entrances at different sides of the site lead to a main hall.
above the general lobby, each successive level contains children /
teen content, periodicals, the general collection and meeting rooms. six circular courtyards encased with glass vertically pierce the volume,
unifying the building in section and creating reading areas with views to the sky. the tubular voids introduce natural daylight throughout the open floor plans.
architects: EXIT architects - ibán carpintero / mario sanjuán / ángel sevillano
client: madrid regional government
built area: 3.691 m2
budget: 4.297.945 euros
project date: 2003
completion: 2007
technical architects: jose antonio alonso / alberto palencia
mechanical consultants: jg ingenieros. juan antonio posadas
structural consultants: nb 35. alberto lópez nafria
general contractor: pecsa
photographs: miguel de guzmán, pablo álvarez couso, EXIT architects
from designboom