*수도원 리노베이션 프로젝트 [ AH Asociados ] Library of the Monastery of Fitero

19세기 수도원의 리뉴얼 프로젝트에서 가장 중요한 핵심주제는
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반짝이는 것보다 모서리 낡은 것이 좋고,
세련됨 보다는 투박함이 주는 깊이감이 좋네요.
19세기의 건축양식과 조화로운 현대적 해석이 조화를 이루면서
공간의 깊이를 보여주는 리노베이션 프로젝트 이군요.

reviewed by SJ

The internal space of this monastic creation turns out to be the prime factor in the intervention since this space is recovered as a staged union of three public rooms, which allow a synthetic knowledge of the constructive process of the monastic complex. To achieve this, the original volumes are recovered by means of new covering structures which reinterpretate the wooden traditional ones, and keep the massive character of the historical construction in stone, brick and cast.

Authors: Miguel A. Alonso de Val, Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón
Collaborators: Eduardo Arilla, María José Prieto, Victor Henández
Technical Architects: Joaquín Aliaga Montes
Developer: Ayuntamiento de Fitero
Constructor: U.T.E. Fitero (Pavimentos de Navarra, S.A. y Arbeloa Construcciones, S.L.)
Project Date: Agosto 1998
Completion Date: Agosto 2001
Built Surface: 558.5 m2
Photographer: José Manuel Cutillas – Proyectar
Awards: Premio Europa Nostra 2002, Mención Especial

The kitchen area turns out to be an alternative entrance to the monastery, and to its own library, hence recovering its stone entrance, as well as a section by means of a wooden pyramid structure which centrally aligns the old vaulted space, thanks to a lantern which illuminates the place. This hallway leads to the horizontal refectory space, in shade, suited to the exhibition of small items and audiovisual montages, from whose coffered wood panelled ceiling a stairway leads down giving access to the library floor underneath its great centrally located vault, whose vertical tension confers its appearance of great height. Once you get up to the top floor, the space is organised on two contrasted levels of contemplation. At the lower level, the exhibition area seems to be defined as a continuous piece of wooden and glass furniture fixture, inclined hence preventing the reflection of troubling images, and the other upper level, characterised by its vault and its decor from the nineteenth century.

In short, the intervention is trying to maintain a careful balance between the recovery of a piece lingering in the recent memory and its adaptation to possible future uses via the introduction of basic elements of spatial organisation without any interference to the accepted reading of history, thus allowing full reconditioning and hence public enjoyment of the recovered spaces.

from  plusmood


Designed by JB FACTORY